Mitchell: Real Deal and Most Qualified
Published 1:14 pm Thursday, October 25, 2018
- Deborah the real deal for you
By Deborah Mitchell
I am appealing to every taxpayer and patron, Democrat and Republican to make the right choice and Vote for me the “Real Deal and Most Qualified “
I am appealing to everyone who desires to be an engaged member in growing Orange County and beginning the work to develop a future for our families. We must raise awareness and spring into action as we move forward.
As a Commissioner, my duty is to man my office, be available for work and to effectively communicate with transparency when addressing patron/taxpayers concerning the confronting issues. Accountability, timeliness, and transparency are required. I am ready for the discussion and to hold people accountable regardless of friendship and kinship. As a commissioner, I am committed to making unselfish decisions and engage in aggressive and productive, interactive dialogue. I am physically ready for the challenges.
I retired after 37 years. I have held various job assignments and roles. Attended numerous Leadership Training:
Southeast Texas Organizing for Action
Global Community Action for government leaders
Southeast Texas Leadership graduate
I have maintained relations with other elected officials from other cities and states.
- I attended the Mauriceville Volunteer Fireman Union meeting after speaking with the fireman and touring the firehouse.
- I graciously fulfilled my commitment to volunteer, cook and connect resources for the success of the Mauriceville Vintage Festival. On the day of the event, I gave away beautifully donated hair bows and sold delicious sweet treats and greeted attendees. I am committed to attending various community events and meetings to bridge the gap and foster unity within our county!
- I will leave the Precinct 2 commissioner’s office at its present central location.
During my campaign for Commissioner, I chose not to bully people by demanding my signs be displayed on their property. This campaign has been my opportunity for inclusion, transparency and I so enjoyed getting to know people through walking Precinct 2 and fostering good neighbors!
I wanted to convey my readiness to represent with an attitude of being a servant as I have done for years.
I am committed:
- I will not sway or compromise my vote and will effectively communicate information
Fact: Deborah’s opponent opposed a new business with jobs because she desires to expand /create a garden district where she lives.
- For years I have assisted families, Disabled Vets, Homeless and others in securing resources regardless of Political party and race and not for the photo op!
- I have volunteered with every Disaster -Ike, Rita, Harvey, and flooding: served as a Shelter Manager, Cooked and Delivered food, shared resources and help organized distribution, organized the Feed the Children Network visit to Orange County that donated books and supplies to every school district.
Ditch and Drainage:
Commissioners, Core of Engineers, Drainage staff and homeowners accountable and responsible because they each play a vital interval role in drainage and ditch improvement. Drainage is a complicated issue that must be held with transparency and driven by the desire to find realistic actions and to develop a comprehensive plan.
Economic Development:
Commissioners must support EDC staff in recruiting new and support existing businesses. We must focus on resources and not mid manage EDC staff. Also, develop a comprehensive EDC Plan.
We must have every city to unite and combine efforts and to be accountable in addressing issues individually and collectively.
Support and address Road improvement. I think it is imperative to review all resources and devise a comprehensive plan for Road Improvement in collaboration including county expert staff, TxDOT and other experts.
I will work diligently to provide staff Living wages and health benefits
I will not agree to a Commissioners wage increase before giving county employees, who work diligently for us, the raise and benefits they RIGHTFULLY deserve.
I feel that commissioners are elected to lead the open discussion to find realistic solutions for all issues.
Commissioners are accountable to strategically plan timely actions, assign actions and talk with staff and taxpayers.taxpayers
Commissioner, I work for the taxpayer!
I encourage everyone to download the Slice of Orange App and gain access to news, resources and report concerns!
It is time for Orange County to command its future. We must begin to fabricate that future collaborating between county governments and municipalities to ensure economic opportunities and future growth “.
Please do not leave the future of our county in the hands of people desiring power and self-validation!
I am that Servant!