Pinehurst approves budget for 2018

Published 9:16 pm Wednesday, September 19, 2018

By Dawn Burleigh

The Orange Leader


Unanimously Pinehurst City Council approved the 2018/2019 fiscal year budget and the property tax rate of $0.72762/$100 value.

The city also mourns the loss of Constable Pct. 2 David Cagle, who passed away on Sunday, by having the flags at city hall at half-staff.

“Public Works employees also changed all the outdoor lighting at City Hall to blue to honor Cagle,” City Administrator said. “He was a good friend of the City of Pinehurst and he will be highly missed.”

Hood and City Secretary Debbie Cormier was selected for the Selection Review Committee to select Grant Administration and Management Services as well as Engineering services for the DR-4332 Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Disaster Recovery funding through the General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization.

“There is very specific wording required,” Hood said. “This will start the process.”

Hood also requested approval to start procurement for Engineering and Grant Administration Services for the 2019/2020 fiscal year CDBG application process with the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Council also evaluated City Attorney Tommy Gunn.

Council voted to keep Gunn until further notice.

“After all, he has a 30-year track record of doing a great job,” one council member said.

Council also approved the condemning and demolition of 3639 Martin Street.

“By law, we have to give the owner 30 days to attempt repairs,” Code Enforcer Harry Vine said. “I sent a certified letter to his brother-in-law.”

According to Vine, the city has boarded up the residence, as the owner is no longer living there.

“The utilities are shut off,” Vine said. “The brother-in-law has requested to enter to collect some personal effects.”

Vine also asked the council to wave a 30-day wait so hazardous waste could be removed from the location now.

“When his aunt passed a year and a half ago, we had to demolish her house as well,” Vine said. “It is a very sad situation.”