DPS Offers Severe Weather and Flood Safety Tips
Published 2:18 pm Monday, September 10, 2018
PRESS RELEASE — The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) urges motorists to drive cautiously during heavy rain storms and flooded areas, and especially at night when judging water depth is more difficult.
Flash flooding is the number one weather-related killer in Texas. More than 50 percent of all flash flood fatalities nationwide involve vehicles. Saving your life can be as easy as turning your vehicle around when you see water on the road. Never attempt to drive through flooded roadways – Turn Around Don’t Drown (TADD)!
DPS offers these safe driving tips:
- Even in relatively shallow water, tires can act as flotation devices, lifting up big vehicles and sending them downstream. It takes only two feet of water to float a 3,000-pound car.
- Beware that water covering roadways may hide washed-out bridges or gauged-out roadbeds. If you attempt to drive across, you may not be driving on a road.
- If you are in a low-lying area when flooding is occurring, get to higher ground quickly.
- Do not attempt to cross flooded roads or streams on foot. It can take as little as six inches of moving water to knock an adult off his or her feet. Furthermore, water may be flowing more rapidly than it appears.
- Never allow children to play near ditches or storm drains.
- Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle – complete with flares or light roadway safety triangles, a flashlight, a raincoat, cell phone charger, and other essentials such as required medications.
- Monitor weather and road conditions wherever you are traveling. For road conditions in Texas, visit https://drivetexas.org.
When you see water covering the roadway, please Turn Around – Don’t Drown.