Community Calendar and Briefs 9.8-9.12-18
Published 10:43 am Monday, September 10, 2018
Golf Tournament
Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce (GOACC) is hosting its 9th Annual Golf Tournament Monday, Oct. 22, 2018 at Sunset Grove Gold Course and Country Club. GOACC will donate a percentage of net proceeds to Non-Profit of the Year recipient United Way of Orange County. For more information, help registering or becoming a sponsor, contact Lauren at 409-883-3536 or
Fresh Start to a Healthier You!
Better Living for Texans a part of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Orange County invites you to join us for A Fresh Start to a Healthier You series. You will learn tips on saving money at the grocery store, food safety, and meal planning. We will be meeting at the Raymond Gould Community Center 385 Claiborne Street in Vidor once a week on Thursdays for four weeks, 11 a.m. to 12 noon, dates are September 27, October 4, 11, and 18. This program is free and available to everyone. Please contact, Tommy Byers, 409-882-7010 for additional information or to sign up.
The Greater Orange Area Literacy Services (GOALS) is now offering Reading, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Graduate High School Education (GED) tutoring to all adults 16 and older at no cost. Volunteer tutors are willing to meet once or twice a week at various locations.
Please telephone the GOALS office at 409-886-4311 and ask for Rhonda to register. You may email the office of GOALS at
Orange County Ranchers Roundup
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension of Orange County is having an Orange County Ranchers Roundup on September 18, 2018 at 6 p.m. at the Extension office on Hwy 1442. The speaker will be Dr. Mike Meaux, DVM, Southwest LA Veterinary Clinic. He will be addressing Cattle Health and Nutrition in Southeast Texas & Southwest Louisiana. 2 CEU’s offered to licensed pesticide holders. There will be door prizes and a 52 card drawing for a new shotgun. Dinner will be provided. Please call the Extension office at 409-882-7010 to register.
Do Well Be Well with Diabetes
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension of Orange County is having a free Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes Series. This is a 5-week series on every Monday in October (Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29) from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Join us in learning how to prevent and control your type 2 diabetes, eat healthy and much more. Please attend all of the classes to get the full educational benefit. The classes will be located at the Extension Office on 1442 in Orange. Call the Extension office at 409-882-7010 to reserve your spot in the class.
Anger Management Classes
Wells of Agape is holding Anger Management Classes from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9, at Life Church Orange located at 18389 Hwy. 62 in Orange (near State Hwy. 62 and Hwy. 105 intersection) Requirement to receive a Certificate of Completion is $30 per person, cash only. Must be paid prior to first class. One must attend all three Tuesday classes to receive the certificate. To register or more information, Call Donna Wells at 4099-221-5425. If no answer, leave a message or text.
VFW Auxiliary Garage Sale
Orange VFW Auxiliary Post 2775 will host their fall garage sale on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at the VFW Hall on Highway 87 North(5303 N. 16th St) from 7 am until 2 pm. Vendors will be able to set up on Friday, October 12th from 5 to 8 pm. Rental for tables and/or space is $10 each. Reservations can be made by sending a check for the proper amount to: MARY SNAPP; 29 SANDRA LANE; ORANGE, TX 77632. For further information contact Mary between 10 am and 5 pm at 409-697-0380.
Hand Quilting Demonstration
Thrift and Gift Shop holds a free Hand Quilting demonstration from 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., every Tues. and Thurs. at 350 South 37th Street in Orange (located in the old Salk School). For more information call 409-886-7649.
Nehemiah’s Vision
We are gearing up for our Summer Volunteers!!! If you are in need of debris clean up please give us a SHOUT!! You can call our office at (409) 617-1038 or visit our website, click the “GET HELP” tab, fill out the form and someone will contact you for more information! Please help us spread the word!!
Parenting Class
Wells of Agape is holding a Parenting Class from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at Life Church Orange located at 18389 Hwy. 62 in Orange. Lunch is provided. Requirement to receive a Certificate of Completion is $30 per person, cash only. One must attend from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to receive the certificate. To register or more information, Call Donna Wells at 4099-221-5425. If no answer, leave a message or text. Childcare is not provided.
Crisis Counseling Program
Southeast Texas Disaster Assistance and Crisis Response Services through Region 5 Education Service Center is offering assistance with identifying needs and resources as well as referrals for available disaster assistance resources and crisis counseling for those struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Call 409-951-1771 for more information.
CASA informational meeting
The second Tuesday of each month, CASA holds an information meeting to answer questions on how to become a CASA representative. The meetings are at 6 p.m. at the CASA office located at 2120 Gloria Drive in Orange. To reserve a seat, call 409-886-2272.
Pumpkins and Pearls Fundraising Gala
Wells of Agape is hosting the Pumpkin and Pearls fundraising gala from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, September 29. Tickets are $60. This event will be adults only. The guest speaker of the night will be Mayor Larry Spears Jr. Dress code for the event is “after 5” attire. The event will take place at The Garden District located at 7536 Highway 87 N. in Orange. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information visit or call 409-263-0132.
Orange County senior citizens meeting
Orange County senior citizens are meeting on the 2nd Monday every month at 9:30 a. m. at Salvation Army Bldg. on corner of MLK and Highway 90 in Orange. Bingo, Prizes, Pot luck Lunch. All are invited to attend. For more information please call, Dermal at 730-5722.
Noon Lion’s Club meeting
Noon Lion’s Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Domino’s Meeting/Party room located at 2107 MacArthur Drive in Orange.
NAACP meeting
NAACP meet at 7 p.m., every fourth Thursday, at the WOCCISD Administration Building located at 902 West Park Ave. in Orange. All are encouraged to attend and join. To join, contact Franklin Gans at 409-221-8438.
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meeting
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meets once a month on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Join today for only $5 per year. As a member of the Friends you can help with fundraisers, the summer reading program, decorate Library for the holidays, scrapbook events from the year and Bayou Buddy Storytime.
Saturday, Sept. 8
Keep Orange Clean
The Litter Squad will cleanup different locations throughout the city on the second Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Locations will be determined and posted so that all groups and citizens are aware and encouraged to attend. Please bring gloves and wear appropriate attire.
A benefit for Vinton, Louisiana Police Officer Jason McGee will start at 10 a.m. at Ward 7 Recreation Center. A Silent Auction will be held from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. with a Live Auction set to start at 6 p.m. Jambalaya, provided by the KCs, will be for sale by the bowl. Live music and a DJ will provide entertainment throughout the day. The pool will be open so bring your bathing suit.
Scrapping for Cans
The Salvation Army Women’s Ministries is sponsoring a day of laughter, encouragement, and crafting from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 1950 MLK Drive in Orange. Must RSVP by Thursday, Sept 6! Cost -$25 which includes a table to claim as your own space to craft, scrap, color or just sit and enjoy some time away from your regular routine with other ladies, a free salad and sandwich type lunch and two 2 make and take classes. First class is Pinterest project – State of Texas In Bottle Caps and the second a Stamping Up Card Project. We will have Door Prizes. All proceeds from the event go to purchase canned goods for the Salvation Army Food Pantry. For more information or to reserve a spot, call 409-291-8400.
Rachael Ware Benefit
Childs Ace Hardware will host a benefit for Rachael Ware who was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in March of this year. From 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. or we sell out, on Saturday, Sept. 8, we will sell plate lunches for $10. The plates will consist of leg quarters, links, potato salad, and beans. We are pre-selling tickets at the store as well as that day.
Parenting Class
Wells of Agape is holding a Parenting Class from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at Life Church Orange located at 18389 Hwy. 62 in Orange. Lunch is provided. Requirement to receive a Certificate of Completion is $30 per person, cash only. One must attend from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to receive the certificate. To register or more information, Call Donna Wells at 4099-221-5425. If no answer, leave a message or text. Childcare is not provided.
Mon., Sept 10
OC Retired Teachers Association meeting
The Orange County Retired Teachers Association will hold its first fall meeting at 10:30 a.m. at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 401 37th Street in Orange. The guest speaker will be J. Scott. of J Scott Aflorist, presenting his “Morning with J. Scott” for the pleasure of our members.
We will also have a covered dish luncheon, provided by the members. Guests are welcome.
Crochet Class
Crochet Class at 6:30 p.m. at Orange First Church of the Nazarene, 3810 M.L.K. Jr. Drive in Orange. The class is in the Dining Room behind the church. (Left side of the building)
Please bring a skein of Sports Weight yarn and a G hook. We are working on squares to be assembled into an afghan. You may keep your squares or donate them back. Donated squares will be assembled and donated to a local charity in December.
Class is free and open to the public. Knitters welcomed. For more information, contact Dawn through the Orange First Church of the Nazarene (ofcnazarene) Facebook page.
Tues., Sept. 11
Networking Coffee
Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Networking Coffee will be held at 8 a.m. hosted by Bridge City Public Library located at 101 Parkside Drive in Bridge City. Students of the Month, Employee of the Month and Business of the Month will be announced.
Wed., Sept 12
Golden K Kiwanis meeting
Golden K Kiwanis meets every Wed. from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the meeting room of the Salvation Army Building, corner of MLK and Strickland, across from the Shell and fire station. The public is welcome to attend, and coffee is always served. Orange County Commissioner Johnny Trahan will be speaking on the importance of the Orange Country Airport.
Vision for Orange
The public is invited to First United Methodist Church, as they host Mayor Larry Spears Jr. at 6:00 p.m. We will meet in the Family Life Center on 5th Street in Orange. Mayor Spears will speak on his vision for Orange and how the citizens can help Orange continue to grow and prosper. Everyone is invited to come and listen to Mayor Spears.