Lake Charles PD arrests Texas man for kidnapping

Published 2:40 pm Monday, August 27, 2018

PRESS RELEASE — On Saturday, August 25th, 2018, at 1:57 AM, the Lake Charles Police Department responded to 3501 Highway 14 (Valero Gas Station) in reference to a female calling 911 saying she had been kidnapped and needed help. When officers arrived they found the female who had run from the suspect’s vehicle and into the Valero gas station to use the phone to call 911. Officers also located the suspect in the back parking lot of the store.

The investigation has revealed this offense began in Liberty, Texas, where the victim was kidnapped. At some point before reaching Lake Charles the suspect also sexually assaulted the victim.

The suspect is being held on kidnapping charges here while the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office in Texas is investigating the original kidnapping. The sexual assault is under investigation.

Arrested—-Juan Carlos Saucedo, 27, residing at 2522 Cos Street in Liberty, Texas.

Bond set at $100,000 by Judge Clayton Davis

Lt. Kevin Kirkum and Detective Hope Sanders are leading the investigation.