Bronchitis and the 350-ton turtle
Published 11:12 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018
By Dawn Burleigh
Attempting to breath when your lungs are battling the evilness of bronchitis is an unusual experience.
I have heard the descriptions of it feeling like a fish out of water or an elephant sitting on one’s chest.
However, for me, it felt more like a 350-ton turtle. Why a turtle? Because elephants are still fluffy, even if their skin appears tough and think while a turtle on the other hand, has a hard tough shell without any give. There was no ‘give’ to whatever was preventing me from inhaling.
After a couple of days on bed rest, I decided I had to have chicken noodle soup. Homemade would have been best, but I was ok with a can of some generic brand.
After several hours, I decided I had to have chicken noodle soup. It would make me well and I would miraculously be cured.
The problem was, it was close to time for the stores to close and my husband was fast asleep.
The call of the soup won.
I unintentionally woke my husband as I was trying to sneak out for this much needed chicken broth with carrots, celery, and noodles.
He assists me with locating the delicacy at the store and I am suddenly overwhelmed with the options. Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken and Home style Noodles, Low Sodium Chicken Noodle Soup…
The options were endless. There were popular name brands and generics to choose from.
When did this happen? Was it part of a conspiracy to make me listen to the doctor and rest?
We did finally settle on a couple of cans to sooth my needs. However, while I was expecting rainbows, sunshine, unicorns and glitter, I instead had a full belly. That was it. No magic, no hope, no effortless breaths of fresh air.
A wonderful lady heard my please for chicken noodle soup and brought me some the day after my attempts to sneak out of the house to find some.
What a Godsend this woman was! Kathy Emmert brought me the most delicious chicken noodle soup. She apologized for it not being homemade, but I can say, it was the next best thing.
Suddenly, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel and had hope. That annoying 350-ton turtle started losing weight.
It was during the battle with the turtle, I became aware of just how difficult it is to breath during the hot, humid weather we have had this month and the impact is even higher for those suffering from COPD, asthma, emphysema, Pulmonary fibrosis, and many other lung diseases or disorders.
Make it a point to check on those you know who may not be at the optimal health. See if you can assist by picking up something at the store so they do not have to tackle the heat and humidity. Or spend some time with them, as they may not be able to attend their normal social activities.
Be aware not everyone can breath as easily as you. Count your blessings and help your neighbor in their battle with that 350-ton turtle.
And if you want to bring them some chicken noodle soup but don’t have time to make some yourself, Denny’s offers some, which would be considered just as welcomed.