Improving Navy Park City Park

Published 10:11 am Wednesday, August 15, 2018

By Mary Ekene

Mayor Larry Spears and members of the City Council have worked tirelessly to look at all the issues going on in the City of Orange, Texas.

Everything from unemployment to the landscape of our city. They always involve the citizens of the community to get involved and ask what changes they feel could be done in the city.

August 2, 2018 there was a public meeting for an action plan to improve the Navy Park. City council officials as well as some citizens from the community, including myself, discussed ideas to improve the park in the Navy District.

Sandra Wilson was there to give financial perspectives and estimates with the project. She also assisted with how much the city would be allotted to get the park improved.

There were discussion about what citizens wanted to have in the park and where those things would be placed. We all agreed to brainstorm and vote on what we wanted in the park in the next meeting.

The Navy Park is a sensitive subject because this is an area that has been long waiting for improvement. It is nice to hear that something is going to be in effect soon were the children can enjoy a park to play in.

There was be a second meeting to be held August 14, 2018 at 6 p.m. to continue on the procedures and planning of the park. I can personally say that I am excited to be working on a great project in our city.

Our community depends on people who really care about the people in our city. On behalf of Mayor Larry Spears, Pro-tem Patrick Pullen, council members, city officials and citizens in the community; I personally salute us for coming together for such a great action plan.

Improving the Navy Park will bring light and fulfillment in the community, it is time.


Mary Ekene/ Activist for Bring Positivity Back/ Owner/CEO of Livol Owner/CEO of Painter’s Paradise