Executive Director of SETRPC resigns

Published 2:44 pm Friday, August 10, 2018

To The Leader

Shaun P. Davis, Executive Director of the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC), announced his resignation on Friday, to become effective September 28, 2018. Davis, who has served as Executive Director for the past 11 years, has accepted a job offer in the private sector.

Chris Kirkendall, President of the SETRPC Executive Committee, said that Davis will be greatly missed by the Commission and the Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange County region which it serves. The SETRPC has been honored by the service of Davis and is confident that its next leader can continue the legacy of that service and the “community above self” spirit he has brought to the area.

President Kirkendall noted, “Shaun has done a tremendous job with the Planning Commission, especially leading the organization and our area through challenging times of several natural disasters. His love for and service to Southeast Texas will make finding his replacement difficult, but we know this is a great opportunity for him and his family. All of us at the SETRPC wish him the best in his next endeavor.”

The SETRPC Executive Committee Officers plan to make a recommendation for the appointment of an Interim Director to the Executive Committee at its September 19 meeting, as well as to authorize a search committee to fill Davis’ position.