LTTE – Tariffs on Canadian newsprint
Published 6:54 am Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Dear Editor –
I am writing in response to the two editorials regarding the proposed temporary tariffs on Canadian newsprint.
The obvious perceived threat is that our home town paper can’t exist if it “cost more to print than it earns in revenue” – I understand that.
As a voting citizen of the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, native Texan, resident of Orange county for most of my life and a long time subscriber to the Orange Leader, I would like to see the newsprint percentages reversed to 75% or more supplied by USA firms and 25% or less imported. I am for supporting our local hometown newspaper, the USA paper mill industries and putting more USA citizens to work even if it takes the threat or implementing a temporary tariff and increase price to level the competition.
The same day I received my paper, I had just purchased a birthday card for my great grandson from a local store for a price that I guess had fallen to only $5.37 and it wasn’t made in the USA but the plastic bag I carried the card home in was proudly labeled “Made in the United States of America” – – and it was free.
– – – – “Go Figure” – – – –
God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.
Joe L. Hudson, Sr.