Pinehurst Sewer improvement application being reviews by State

Published 11:09 am Thursday, June 21, 2018

To The Leader

Texas Department of Agriculture has informed the City of Pinehurst that the request for $275,000 of Texas Community Development Block Grant Funds is being considered for a pending award. The proposed improvements will affect the City’s Sewer Plant and will benefit all of the city’s residential water and sewer customers.

Texas Department of Agriculture has requested that the city conduct a city-wide survey to determine that at least 51-percent of the residents receiving water and sewer service are considered low to moderate income.

This is a requirement for receiving these federal Community Development funds.

The City will be conducting a city-wide survey over the next few months to determine the number of low to moderate income residents in the City of Pinehurst.

City Administrator, Robbie Hood, is encouraging all residents to respond to the survey when contacted by the City’s Survey Team. There will be only four to five questions that the residents will need to answer for the survey.

City employees will be going door to door, as well as making telephone calls to residents. Surveys may also be completed in person at City Hall.

Citizens may contact Harry Vine, at City Hall at 409-886-3873 to verify whether their residential address has been selected to participate in the survey or to provide their information for the survey.

No business addresses are included in the survey.