Vacations are more than getting away
Published 7:43 am Wednesday, June 13, 2018
By Chris Kovatch
This week’s column comes to you as I work to wash all the dirty clothes in our house in anticipation of our upcoming vacation. Laundry for eight is quite the feat.
Normally, Christi spends one entire day a week completing this fun activity, but with us being in dance recital mode, all our normal routines go out the window.
Vacation prep for our family begins months in advance as Christi works to schedule activities and lodging.
This year we are headed to Florida to our favorite home away from home – Disneyworld. I know a lot of people think of lines and hot temperatures when someone mentions it, but it is actually one of the easiest and most enjoyable vacation destinations for a large family.
Over the years, we have generally visited Disney annually while the kids were little, however, about two summers ago we decided to begin rotating Mickey Mouse with a road trip to visit certain landmarks in the USA.
Our first road trip took us to Montana to visit family. We were able to see amazing scenery in several states, experience Yellowstone, and visit Mount Rushmore. This trip turned out to be way more enjoyable than I ever anticipated. The normal tourist vacation spots are amazing but having the ability to drive up in the mountains and visit a lake tucked away in the woods that has the bluest water I have ever seen easily trumps them.
I love where we live, and I want my kids too as well, but I also want them to know and appreciate all the amazing places our nation and our world have to offer. I want them to see the places they study in History, Geography and Science classes. Reading about them is great but experiencing them gives you a totally different perspective.
I feel that this exposure will help my kids be open to new ideas and ways of thinking; that it will allow them to become more well-rounded people.
So, while I am walking miles, waiting in lines, and enduring the heat at Disneyworld all to get to ride It’s A Small World, I hope my kids really do realize how small the world we live in is and that it is there for them to experience and enjoy, but also to protect.