Sabine Neches Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists wins Stars In The Park Award

Published 10:17 am Wednesday, May 30, 2018

President of the Sabine Neches Chapter Randy Beehn, right, is accepting a award from Superintendent of Sea Rim State Park Nathan Londenberg, at the Sabine Neches Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists’ monthly meeting, held on Thursday at the Orange County Convention and Expo Center located at 11475 FM 1442 in Orange. The Sabine Neches Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists was awarded the Stars In The Park award by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for their assistance at Sea Rim State Park.  The Texas Master Naturalists have helped at Sea Rim State park with maintenance on the Gambusia Trail, Interpretive Hikes, Adopt-A-Beach cleanups, Annual Kids Fish Events, and other activities at the park.  Most recently, the Sabine Neches Chapter participated in a VIP visit of TPWD officials to Sea Rim, where they crabbed and kayaked the paddling trails.