Keep pressing forward

Published 9:46 am Monday, April 16, 2018

By MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet


Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.


Burnout! We run into moments where we just need a second wind, refuel, or some type of igniting experience. If your life is anything like mine, you may just need a nap. Whatever the case, we find ourselves feeling heavier than normal.

The 2nd quarter of the year always feels like the 3rd quarter of the game to me; from endeavors of ending last year strong and starting this year with momentum, I try to use the current quarter for realignments.

Growing up in a home full of athletic boys, I learned a great deal about sports.

I was their equal; I’ve been tackled and dunked on.  I’ve been attending sports functions since before high school with very few breaks. From watching siblings to now watching our children, I have familiarized myself with what I can expect from each quarter of a game. I’ve had the opportunity to coach AAU basketball and from a coach’s perspective, there were 2 things I wanted: a good pace and a good press.

Just like growing up in a home with rough boys, life can be tough; it can rough you up more that what you are accustomed to or expect. Life can hit you hard on days when you really want to avoid being hit, and hit you harder on days when you’re already down. You may feel like there’s always something requiring your attention, response, or presence. This is where having a good pace comes into play. Sticking as close to your plan as possible is key. Know where you’re going and what you’re doing, and stick to it. I can plan for what I expect and, therefore, pace myself. If I can pace I can press. Press is that reserved energy for the unexpected. My AAU team would keep a few press plays for the unexpected. 3rd quarter is the press quarter, it’s when we start using that reserved energy and strategies to make up for any lack in the first half of the game while setting up for a great finale.

If you’ve found yourself more tired and you’re trying to dodge burnout, it’s understandable. After our immediate response to Harvey last year and our long term response to the aftermath, the fight has been relentless. Let me encourage you. Don’t quit! Dig deep and press! Head to the locker room and drawing board: 1. Take the break you need. 2. Assess your position and inner man. 3. Make the necessary adjustments. Don’t faint! Use the time remaining to press into a great finish!


MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet is Senior Leader, Impact Orange