Community Calendar and Briefs 4.14.18
Published 6:40 am Saturday, April 14, 2018
Lutcher Stark High School Class of 1953 Reunion
The Lutcher Stark High School Class of 1953 will celebrate it’s 65–Year Reunion from 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 28, with a noon meal at Robert’s Restaurant located at 3720 West Park Ave. in Orange. You will be able to select your meal from their excellent steam table selections or order directly from their Restaurant Menu and you pay for your meal at that time. For additional information contact: Bobby Vincent at 409-543-5478 or Billie Sterns Downey at 409-735-4610. Special Invitation extended to graduates of Classes 1950 – 1959
49th Annual Senior Citizens Rally Day
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Committee on Aging invites all Senior Citizen’s to join us for our 49th Annual Senior Citizens Rally Day. This year’s theme is Feelin’ Groovy to be Healthy. We encourage our Senior Citizens to dress up in 60’s & 70’s clothing but it is not require. Rally Day is free to all and will be held, Tuesday, May 8th and will start at 9 am and end at 1 pm at the Orange County Convention and Expo Center on FM 1442. There will be entertainment by Heart to Heart Band featuring Brit Godwin, Health vendors and health screenings, over 25 door prizes, bingo, photo booth, free lunch and fun for all Senior Citizens. Please bring any old eye glasses you may have lying around and donate them to the Lions Eye Bank of Texas. Vendors who have services available for our Senior Citizens we encourage you to be a vendor. This day is free to our Senior Citizens so we ask that vendors do not bring items to sell. For further information on our Senior Citizen Rally Day, call the AgriLife Extension office at 409-882-7010.
Vaccine clinics scheduled
Little Cypress Junior High and Mauriceville Middle Schools will host vaccination clinics for students on these campuses on April 18. Hours at LCJH will be 9-11 a.m. and MMS will be 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Vax-A-Nation is the organization providing the clinic. Students with Medicaid/CHIP will receive the vaccines free of charge, with a copy of their current card. Others can get the vaccine for $14 for the first injection and $10 for each additional vaccine.
To take advantage of the clinic, contact the campus nurse for the forms and return them, along with payment, to the nurse by April 16. Checks should be made payable to Vax-A-Nation.
The LCJH nurse is Angie Locke, or 883-2317, extension 3180. The MMS nurse is Katie Worthy, or 745-3970, extension 7250.
Become a Certified Texas Master Gardener
Want to be a Master Gardener? Now is your chance! The Orange County Master Gardeners Association will be starting a new class June 7, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Orange County EXPO Center, 11475 FM 1442 in Orangefield. Classes will run each Thursday at this time with the addition of some Saturday classes and/or field trips. There will be several optional out of town overnight field trips. Classes will continue thru September 13. The fee is $100 which will include your Master Gardener training handbook, supplies and speaker fees. If you miss a class, don’t fret, we have ways for you to make them up. For more information you may check our website and click on How to Become a Master Gardener. Or you can email to register for the classes. If you are unable to email, you may call 409-882-7010 and they can have someone contact you.
Crisis Counseling Program
Southeast Texas Disaster Assistance and Crisis Response Services through Region 5 Education Service Center is offering assistance with identifying needs and resources as well as referrals for available disaster assistance resources and crisis counseling for those struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Call 409-951-1771 for more information.
Nehemiah’s Vision
If you are in need of assistance repairing/rebuilding your home please visit our website at and click on the GET HELP tab or call our office at (409) 617-1038.
Hurricane Harvey recovery
Were you affected by Hurricane Harvey? Do you need assistance with a recovery plan, including home repairs? Do you have unmet or basic needs because of flooding? Contact the Tri-County Disaster Rebuild SETX Case Management Team. Case managers are ready to work with you to begin addressing your recovery needs. Call 409-241-9700 or email
Youth Summer Programs Offered by AgriLife Extension
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Orange County will be offering several programs for youth this summer. The registration for the programs will be online at and you will select the tab for the program interested in. If you do not have computer access, please call the AgriLife office the day registration opens. Classes fill up quickly so do not wait to register.
Starting in June we will have our Youth Cooking Camp for ages 8-14, June 11-15th, 10 a to 2 pm. The Youth will be cooking 8 recipes a day for 3 day then will have a food challenge on the 4th day and awards on Friday. Cost is $45 per child, limited scholarships available. Cooking camp is limited to 60 youth. Registration opens online May 1st.
The 3rd Annual Michael Hoke Memorial Outdoor Awareness for Kids is Free with lots of Fun, food and nature will be held June 21st at Claiborne West Park, 9 am to 2 pm. Deadline to register is June 8th online or by calling the AgriLife office.
Registration for July classes will open online June 1st. July will start with Good Table Manners, “Please” and “Thank you” along with Etiquette, this will be a three day class held July 16th-18th, 9 am to 1 pm, Cost is $10 per child with lunch provided. Open to ages 8-18. Youth Canning Class will be held July 19th, 9 am to 2 pm for ages 8-14. Cost will be $25 per child. They will be canning strawberry jam and making homemade bread. Next class will be Sewing 101 for beginners only, July 23rd-25th, 9 am to 2 pm, cost is $20 per person, kids will bring their own lunch and drink.
The last program for the summer will be Clover Kids Camp for ages 5-8, July 31st-August 2nd, 1 pm to 4 pm cost will be $25 per person. The youth will have hands on cooking, sewing, robotics and science. If you have any questions about our summer programs, please feel free to contact the AgriLife office at 409-882-7010.
Lutcher Starl Class of ’61 Reunion will begin Friday night, April 27. We will meet at Spanky’s on Friday nite for those that would like to attend & visit, have an appetizer & glass of wine, beer or cocktail, etc. Class Reunion Dinner is 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at Robert’s Steak House. WE are reserving a private area at Two Amigo’s afterwards. Everyone will have an opportunity to visit & enjoy a beverage of their choice. Breakfast is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 30 at Ten West Diner (Old Gary’s Cafe). Please RSVP as soon as possible or
Text Sharron at 832-444-2188. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Orange County senior citizens meeting
Orange County senior citizens are meeting on the 2nd Monday every month at 9:30 a. m. at Salvation Army Bldg. on corner of MLK and Highway 90 in Orange. Bingo, Prizes, Pot luck Lunch. All are invited to attend. For more information please call, Dermal at 730-5722.
Spring Indoor Garage Sale
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2775 Auxiliary will host a Spring Indoor Garage Sale on Saturday, April 21, at the VFW Hall at 5303 N. 16th Street. Vendors can set up Friday, April 20 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday doors will open from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. For reservations, send a check to VFW Aux. 2775 to Chairman Mary Snapp at 7927 Sandra Ln; Orange, TX 77632 for the number of tables at $10 each. For further information you may call Mary at 409-697-0380 between 10am and 5pm. Early Registration guarantees a spot.
Electronic tax filing assistance
Jackson Community Center (JCC) has fast refund and electronic filing are available to eligible families and individuals earning up to 54,000 or less. Open Monday thru Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and every other Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. thru April 18, 2018, by appointements only. JCC is located at 520 West Deactur Ave. in Orange. To Schedule an appointment and for additional information please contact Elizabeth Campbell, Program Manager at 409-779-1981 or email
NAACP meeting
NAACP meet at 7 p.m., every fourth Thursday, at the WOCCISD Administration Building located at 902 West Park Ave. in Orange. All are encouraged to attend and join. To join, contact Franklin Gans at 409-221-8438.
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meeting
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meets once a month on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Join today for only $5 per year. As a member of the Friends you can help with fundraisers, the summer reading program, decorate Library for the holidays, scrapbook events from the year and Bayou Buddy Storytime.
OC Texas AgriLife collecting UPC labels
We’re collecting UPC labels for our Youth Cooking Camp. Please join Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s H.O.P.E. Committee (Helping On Purpose Everyday) by collecting Best Choice UPC Labels from your local Market Basket. We appreciate your support! Labels can be dropped off at the AgriLife Office 11475 Farm to Market Road 1442 in Orange or call, (409) 882-7010.
AARP Tax Filing Assistance will be offered starting 12:15 PM, Friday, February 2, at the Orange Public Library. IRS-certified volunteers will be available from 12:15 to 4 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday through April 13, and Tuesday, April 17. April 17 is the last day to file 2017 taxes.
Anyone coming for assistance should bring the following:
Proof of identification (photo ID)
Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents
Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents
Wage and income statements (Form W-2, Social Security, 1099-R, 1099-Misc, W2G).
Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
Records of any Capital Gains and Losses
Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements
A copy of last year’s federal and state returns is very helpful in the preparation of the 2017 return.
LAMPS Conference
LAMPS Conference will be held 7 p.m. Friday, May 4 and 10 a.m. Saturday, May 5. Hosted by First Church of Orange, 3406 Edgar Brown Drive in Orange. Keynote Speaker is Sis. Kathy Corson speaking on -Ladies • Abused • Mentally • Physically • Sexually, (and Substance, Self, Spiritually). For more information call Kathy Corson at 318-268-5442, Vickie Hodges at 281-433-4976 or Laura Aranda at
Clay Shoot
Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeast Texas will host the 7th Annual Clay Shoot with proceeds to benefit Children’s Programs. Sponsorships and teams are being accepted now. The event is scheduled for 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 19. Tickets are available at
Saturday, April 14
Job Fair
West Orange – Cove CISD will hold a Job Fair on Saturday, April 14, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the WOCCISD Educational Service Center located at 902 W. Park Avenue in Orange. Registration, as well as interview scheduling, for teacher, food service, and transportation department positions is available through the WOCCISD website: Applicants can also complete job applications on-line.
Pinehurst Spring Clean up
Spring clean up will be from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Saturday April 14 at the 2600 block of MacArthur in the parking lot of the old Sears building. Public Works employees will be on hand to help, however, hazardous materials such as paint, chemicals, tires, batteries, motor oil, etc., will not be accepted.
Boy Scout Troop 23 link sale
Boy Scout Troop 23 will hold a link sale from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Edward Jones building located at 3726 North 16th Street in Orange. (Across from Market Basket). The meals are $5 each and include a bun, drink, chips and dessert. The troop is raising money for summer camp.
Boot Scootin’
Seventh Annual Boot Scootin’ from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. at the Brown Estate. This is a LSC-O Foundation annual fundraiser for scholarships. For more information call Phyllis Ford at (409) 553-6955.
Monday, April 16
LC-M Kindergarten Roundup
Little Cypress Elementary will hold Kindergarten Roundup on Monday, April 16. For the convenience of parents, there will be a morning session from 9 until 10 a.m. and an evening session from 6 until 7 p.m.
To register children to start school in the fall, parents must have the child’s birth certificate, social security card, shot record and the parents driver’s license. The school also has to see a proof of residence, such as an electric or other utility bill. If you have questions, please contact LCE at 883-5678 x 118.
Crochet Class
Crochet Class at 6:30 p.m. at Orange First Church of the Nazarene, 3810 M.L.K. Jr. Drive in Orange. The class is in the Dining Room. Please bring a P hook and one ball of Bernat Baby Blanket yarn. You will need seven balls to complete the project, but only need to bring one to class. If this is your first time to crochet, bring a G hook and one ball of 100% cotton yarn (Peaches ‘N’ Cream). Class is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Dawn through the Orange First Church of the Nazarene (ofcnazarene) Facebook page.
OC Friends Night Bunco
OCF Night Bunco will be at 6 p.m., $10 per person to play and will be held in the home of Linda Ballard on Teal Road, Orange 77632, Contact Carolyn, 409.779.0208, to reserve a spot. Places taken quickly, so call or text now!
Mystery Dinner Theater
Southeast Texas Hospice will host Mystery Dinner Theater featuring ‘And The Old Man Died’ at 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 16 and Tuesday, April 17 at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. Tickets are $30 per person. For reservations call 409-886-0622 or 800-749-3497.
Wednesday, April 18
Golden K Kiwanis meeting
Richard Sessions of SETRPC (South East Texas Regional Planning Commission), Community Services Division, will speak on the Area Agency on Aging as a Staff Ombudsman. The meeting will be held at regular time, 9-10 a.m., in the Meeting Room of the Salvation Army Building at the corner of MLK and Strickland in Orange.