Lions provide helping hand
Published 10:28 am Saturday, March 31, 2018
To The Leader
The Orange Lions Club in conjunction with the MD-2 (Multiple District 2, Texas Lions Clubs) had the honor of helping five residents with a reconstruction grant of $3,500 for each household.
These grants were made possible through the efforts of Hurricane Harvey MD2 Task Force and Lions Clubs International Foundation. There were specific guidelines for the grant and out of 77 applications the Orange Lions Club was proud to award the following households this grant:
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Odell, Ms. Thelma Pate, Ms. Donna Hardin, Ms. Sallie Villery and Ms. Sheryl Sadler.
Orange Lions Club President Chris Gunstream also represented the MD2 Task Force as the 2nd Vice District Governor for Lions District 2-S1.
Lion Gunstream said, “This has been a special opportunity and we are so happy to have been a part of this. Thank you to Lions Clubs International Foundation and to the four District Governors whose hard work provided these grant funds!”