
Published 6:36 am Saturday, March 24, 2018

By MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet


Matthew 6:10- Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.


B.U.S.Y. stands for Building Up Successful Youth, a program designed to give students the support they need to transition into mature adulthood.

We had to opportunity to launch last year and successfully serve a little more than 60 students. Friday we had the opportunity to encourage and escort 70 more students (Seniors and Juniors) on a trip to Lamar State College Orange; students who many feel will fail, but we reject that thought!

In an effort to change how we respond to the things that challenge and plague our community, we launched and we strive to launch even more effective programs that address both the natural and spiritual elements that oppose our progress.

We know that an intelligent student will fail if his or her spirit is broken.

Many years ago, I was that intelligent student; smart enough to do anything, but broken enough to do nothing. Many children grow up in homes, schools, and communities governed by negativity, while being pressured to produce something positive.

That’s why we must change our culture to a culture that is governed by words that give life, hope, good principles, and deposits that tell those children they can do anything they desire to do!

Last week, we looked at changing our culture and I want to continue in that area for the next few weeks. I believe we need a great collision between the culture we currently have and the Kingdom of God’s culture.

What exactly did Jesus mean when He prayed, ‘thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven?”

We have entitled it the Lord’s prayer, and as children we memorize it; but do we actually desire it, pursue it, and attempt to apprehend it?

When organizing programs and events I literally ask myself, “How would this look in Kingdom of God?”

I constantly pray that the eyes of my understanding will be opened, because there is no way the Kingdom of God can truly invade the earth and not right every wrong system, tear down all wickedness, advance all that is right, and flood our lives with joy and strength.

My prayer is that through embracing “in earth, as it is in Heaven…” we will cause those around us to have an encounter with truth, light, love, confidence, and peace; an encounter that shakes and reshapes them. Let’s keep Jesus’ prayer at the forefront of our minds and truly weigh our actions, words, and encounters against it.

Let’s reshape our lives so that those we make contact with will have a “Heaven on earth” experience; full of Christ, light, and love. Blessings!


MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet is Senior Leader, Impact Orange