Newton County Sheriff’s Report 03-19-2018

Published 11:00 am Monday, March 19, 2018

To The Leader

I lost a great friend last week. Please remember the Crocker family in your prayers.

We had a break in near Burkeville where five guns were stolen. No serial numbers on any of them. Your chance of getting you property back is a lot better if you have your serial numbers.

We got lucky last week by getting back a stolen four wheeler, we didn’t have the serial number but the owner could ID it. One of the bad guys is still in jail.

We got a call from a man whose brother was having a fling with his wife. Wanted us to call his brother and advise him that something bad was going to happen if he didn’t stop. He called right back and said “Never mind, it’s not worth it”. Whatever that means.

Received a report of a drunk lady dancing in the middle of a county road in Deweyville. She had over a dozen alias names. One of which had ten warrants out of Bandera County. She’s someone’s wild child, we are holding her for Bandera County to come pick up.

Our hero award goes out to Jail Captain Ashley Morrow and her husband Ex Newton County Deputy Shane Morrow. Driving on Hwy 87, they saw a house fire. A female was down on the porch and they got her to safety. WOW. All young people should be like that, kids ya’ll are my heroes.

Gotta Go. Thought for the week: man cannot live on bread alone, he must also have peanut butter and jelly. Ya’ll have a great week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless.