Produce a mindset that pursues, helps sustain change
Published 7:14 am Saturday, March 17, 2018
By MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
This week, I’ve had time to reflect on the things that we have gone through, locally and nationally; things that create an uproar for change, without producing lasting change.
I realized we often re-live the same scenarios with different characters, on different streets, and in different cities. I can’t help but wonder why. Why are we seeing more of the same things that we hate and reject as a society? Why does ‘bullying’ continue? Why does ‘intolerance’ continue? Why does ‘racism’ continue? Why do ‘systematic injustices’ continue? Why does ‘poverty’ continue? Why does ‘income inequality’ continue? In a nation that often talks about having a real concern for the direction we are headed in, why don’t we see more of that concern show up in our schools, jobs, hospitals, etc?
I won’t suggest I have all the answers, because I certainly do not; but I believe we, collectively, possess the answers. We don’t really have a problem being discontent or dissatisfied, but we do have a problem remaining discontent and dissatisfied. After we are compelled to speak out against or rally together for something, what do we do next? Anything can start a movement, but only a changed culture can sustain one.
People are often discontent temporarily, but true change happens when there’s a changed culture, newly embraced philosophies, and transformed minds. We all must resist apathy or we welcome old methodologies back with open arms.
A culture is not determined by one mind, it is determined by the overall thoughts that govern a people. No matter how good one individual thinks, the culture is determined by what the majority thinks. Changed communities start with changed minds.
A discontent mind can become a changed mind when we truly challenge ourselves to do things better, to be better, and to live better. Little by little we can show those who watch our lives a better way and prayerfully, they too, will embrace a better way.
Jesus challenged his current culture and offered a better one. Just the idea that a King would come to serve reveals he wanted to demonstrate a new idea on what great looks like. May we have redefining moments that challenge us to our core and produce a mindset that pursues and helps sustain change; not just desire change.
Change happens on the edges of simple things such as: embracing being a peacemaker, embracing patience, quickly forgiving, quickly apologizing, or embracing building others over attacking and accusing them; these are little things that can change so much. This week, lets embrace the little things that can make us a greater people.
MaQuettia “Denise” Ledet is Senior Leader, Impact Orange