Altrusa members serving the community while rebuilding
Published 9:35 am Wednesday, March 14, 2018
- Dawn Burleigh/The Orange Leader Governor Linda Moore, Altrusa International District Nine, joined Altrusa International of Orange, Texas on Monday as they presented a check for over $5,000 to Little Cypress Elementary School to aid in purchasing new books for the library.
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
Half the members of Altrusa International of Orange, Texas had water in their homes from Hurricane Harvey and are still in the process of rebuilding as they met for the monthly business meeting on Monday at The Garden District in Orange.
During the meeting, the ladies presented a check to Little Cypress and Oak Forest Elementary Schools to help aid in the recovery efforts from the storm.
Deborah Mitchell presents an update on a service project and an update on the grant application for supplies for teachers at Orangefield Elementary.
Founded in 1917, Altrusa is relevant to many civic-minded people who are interested in creating better communities. Several decades ago, Altrusa decided to institute literacy as an area of focus for the organization; since then, service areas have expanded to include HIV/AIDS and disaster relief, according to the official website.
“We focus on literacy and education,” Orange President Beverly Helton said. “We meet at 11:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Garden District. We are planning to have one meeting a month to work on our service projects.”
To learn more, one may attend the 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Service Meeting at the Orange Train Depot. The project will be Easter baskets for residents of Pinehurst Nursing Home.