Community Calendar and Briefs 2.24.18 – 2.28.18
Published 10:23 pm Friday, February 23, 2018
Fill-A-Bag Fundraiser
Lamar State College – Orange (LSC-O) Phi Theta Kappa will host a Fill-A-Bag Fundraiser to benefit Out of the Darkness and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) from 8 a.m. – 12 Noon on Saturday, March 3 in the LSC-O Student Center Gym located at 410 Front Street in Orange. Buy a reusable bag for $5. Fill it with clothes, household good, and more. Whatever fits is yours to keep. All money will be donated to AFSP. Free snow cones and popcorn.
Now enrolling
St. Mary Catholic School is currently enrolling PreK3 through 8th grade for the 2018 – 2019 School Year
Parenting Class
Wells of Agape is holding a Parenting Class from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday, March 24, at Family Worship Center located at 2300 41st Street in Orange. It is the Old Bancroft School, room No. 35). Lunch is provided. Requirement to receive a Certificate of Completion is $30 per person, cash only. One must attend from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. to receive the certificate. To register or more information, Call Donna Wells at 4099-221-5425. If no answer, leave a message or text.
Spring Indoor Garage Sale
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2775 Auxiliary will host a Spring Indoor Garage Sale on Saturday, April 21, at the VFW Hall at 5303 N. 16th Street. Vendors can set up Friday, April 20 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday doors will open from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. For reservations, send a check to VFW Aux. 2775 to Chairman Mary Snapp at 7927 Sandra Ln; Orange, TX 77632 for the number of tables at $10 each. For further information you may call Mary at 409-697-0380 between 10am and 5pm. Early Registration guarantees a spot.
Orange County Livestock Classic
The Orange County Livestock Classic will be held Saturday, Feb. 24 at the Orange County Livestock Show Barn at the Mauriceville Crawfish Festival Fairground. Show order will be Swine, Lamb and Goat with the check-in from 7 a.m.-8:30 a.m. and showtime at 9 a.m. and the Steers, Heifers and Bulls check-in from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. with showtime at 12:30 p.m. Entry fee is $25 per animal. Make checks payable to OCLSA. Entry fees will be accepted up until the end of check-in. Concession stand will be provided. For more information contact Sabrina Gray (409) 670-6260.
Judge James B. Scales Memorial Golf Tournament
The Bridge City Chamber will hold the Judge James B. Scales Memorial Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at Babe Zaharias Golf Course in Port Arthur. Tee time is 8 a.m. for this four person scramble. The cost is $60 per player which includes green fees, cart, beverages, food, and door prizes. Mulligans may be purchased for $5 each with a limit of two (2) per player. Hole sponsorships in the form of tee box signs are available for $100 each. All proceeds go to the Bridge City Chamber and Historical Museum formerly the Prairie View Teacherage. For more information or to register, call the chamber at (409) 735-5671 or Golf Tournament Chairman Jerry Jones at (409) 735-6801. Registration forms can be found on the chamber’s website:
Lenten Fish Fry
St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus Council 13825 is selling fish dinners in the San Damiano Center (behind the Church) located at 4300 Meeks Drive from 5 to 7 p.m. on the following Lenten Fridays: February 23, March 2, March 9, March 16 and March 23. Dinner includes two pieces of fish, French fries, hushpuppies, coleslaw, drink and dessert for $8.
Nehemiah’s Vision
If you are in need of assistance repairing/rebuilding your home please visit our website at and click on the GET HELP tab or call our office at (409) 617-1038.
Special Angels Rodeo Fish Fry Fundraiser
Special Angels Rodeo will be holding our Annual Fish Fry and Auction Fundraiser on Thursday, April 5, 2018. This event will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the VFW on North 16th Street in Orange. There will be live entertainment, live and silent auctions, door prizes, and much more. This event is a fundraiser for the Special Angels Rodeo, and adaptive sports rodeo for special needs individuals of all ages, regardless of disability. Tickets are available at Farmer’s Mercantile, 702 W Division Avenue in Orange. Individual tickets are $40 each or $75 per couple.
BC Chamber to award scholarships
Attention all Bridge City and Orangefield High School seniors.
The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce they will be awarding two $500 scholarships to Bridge City High School seniors and two $500 scholarships to Orangefield High School seniors. Applications are available at the student’s high school counselor’s office, Bridge City Chamber office at 150 W. Roundbunch Road, Bridge City, TX 77611, or can be downloaded from the chamber’s website: Completed applications should be turned in to the respective high school counselor no later than April 6, 2018. For more information, contact your high school counselor or call the Bridge City Chamber at (409) 735-5671.
Scholarship applications available
The 2018 Orange County Texas A&M University Mothers Club scholarship application is available. For a copy of the application, contact the local high school counselor and/or scholarship coordinator. Applications are also available at Applications are due by March 1, 2018.
Electronic tax filing assistance
Jackson Community Center (JCC) has fast refund and electronic filing are available to eligible families and individuals earning up to 54,000 or less. Open Monday thru Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and every other Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. thru April 18, 2018, by appointements only. JCC is located at 520 West Deactur Ave. in Orange. To Schedule an appointment and for additional information please contact Elizabeth Campbell, Program Manager at 409-779-1981 or email
A Fresh Start to a Healthier You
Better Living for Texans will be having classes on a Fresh Start to a Healthier You. The classes will teach you about saving money at the grocery store, food safety and meal planning. The free classes will be held on Wednesdays in February 28 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 11475 FM 1442 Orange. Please call the office at 409-882-7010 to let us know you will be attending.
Walk and Talk to be held in Vidor
Better Living for Texans is offering a better way to learn tips on getting healthy by joining us for our Walk & Talk series that will be held at the Raymond Gould Community Center park. We will meet on Thursday mornings, March 1, 8, 15, and 22, at the Gazebo beginning at 9 a.m. We will be discussing exercise tips, beneficial foods, and a healthier body and much more. For questions or to sign up call the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office at 409-882-7010.
Annual Bloomin’ Crazy Plant Fair
The Annual Bloomin’ Crazy Plant Fair sponsored by the Orange County Master Gardeners Assn. will be held Saturday, March 24 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Cormier Park, 8235 FM 1442, Orangefield. We will have a HUGE variety of plants available to choose from. We are still looking for Vendors who are interested in participating in selling their crafts at our event. For more information about participating, please email For more information about the Plant Fair please check our website .
Food, Fun, & Fitness 8 Week Challenge
Kick start Your Monday’s to a Healthier You! Fallon Foster, County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Health, will hold free classes for 8 weeks on Mondays, January 29th – March 26th from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. You will have 30 minutes of exercising and 30 minutes of nutrition education.
To register call the Extension office at 409-882-7010.
United Way of Orange County is working on a Harvey Commemorative Book
Harvey was definitely a storm that Orange County will never forget. While pictures don’t really do it justice, we are trying to capture some photos of the severe impact that Harvey left on our area. We are working on a commemorative book, which will be available for purchase. The proceeds from this book will go to our Disaster Relief Fund. This book will not only show photos from the flood, but it will also show the recovery efforts after the storm. We would like to recognize some of the volunteers and highlight events which were held to help Orange County get back on track. But we need your help! We need more photos and stories from the people of Orange County.
Please submit your photos and stories via email to
Photographers will receive photo credit.
Photographers will not receive any financial compensation.
Pictures should only be submitted by the person who took the photo.
Photos must be received by Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Submission of photos does not guarantee publication. Harvey Commemorative Book pre-order and purchase information will be sent at a later date.
NAACP meeting
NAACP meet at 7 p.m., every fourth Thursday, at the WOCCISD Administration Building located at 902 West Park Ave. in Orange. All are encouraged to attend and join. To join, contact Franklin Gans at 409-221-8438.
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meeting
Friends of the Bridge City Public Library meets once a month on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Join today for only $5 per year. As a member of the Friends you can help with fundraisers, the summer reading program, decorate Library for the holidays, scrapbook events from the year and Bayou Buddy Storytime.
OC Texas AgriLife collecting UPC labels
We’re collecting UPC labels for our Youth Cooking Camp. Please join Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s H.O.P.E. Committee (Helping On Purpose Everyday) by collecting Best Choice UPC Labels from your local Market Basket. We appreciate your support! Labels can be dropped off at the AgriLife Office 11475 Farm to Market Road 1442 in Orange or call, (409) 882-7010.
AARP Tax Filing Assistance will be offered starting 12:15 PM, Friday, February 2, at the Orange Public Library. IRS-certified volunteers will be available from 12:15 to 4 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday through April 13, and Tuesday, April 17. April 17 is the last day to file 2017 taxes.
Anyone coming for assistance should bring the following:
Proof of identification (photo ID)
Social Security cards for you, your spouse and dependents
Birth dates for you, your spouse and dependents
Wage and income statements (Form W-2, Social Security, 1099-R, 1099-Misc, W2G).
Interest and dividend statements from banks (Forms 1099)
Records of any Capital Gains and Losses
Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements
A copy of last year’s federal and state returns is very helpful in the preparation of the 2017 return.
Saturday, Feb. 24
Black History Parade
Orange Branch of NAACP will host a Black History Parade with the lineup at 12:30 p.m., parade begins at 1 p.m. at “St. James Church” 1507 15th Street and concludes at “Club DJ’s” 2200 Simmons Drive in Orange. Sports teams, cheer squads, drill teams, trail riders, bands, churches, businesses along with individual cars, trucks and trailers.
Float contest: the top three decorative floats will receive a donation to the charity of their choosing. First place – $200, second place – $100, third place – $75
“The Nazz” Ice Bowl
“The Nazz” DGC 1st Annual Ice Bowl will take place at The “Nazz” Disc Golf Course benefiting Orange Christian Services. Check in is from 8 a.m.-9 a.m. There will be a player’s meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tee off time is 10 a.m.
The cost is $30 for open; $25 for Master 40yr up; $20 for Advance: $15 for Intermediate; $10 for Rec, Women and Youth 16 and Under. There are mulligan tickets available for $1 each, up to 10 for $10. It is a one-round disc tournament. Entry fee includes raffle ticket for a Disc Golf Basket. There will also be a Split the Pot and lunch is included. Come out and enjoy the outdoor activities, music and food. For more information contact Larry Martin at (409) 313-1812.
Monday, Feb. 26
Night Bunco
Orange County Friends will play Night Bunco at 6 p.m., at home of Bonnie Hopperton. Call Carolyn, 409.779.0208, to reserve a spot for $10 per lady. Spaces fill fast!
Tues., Feb. 27
AAUW Book-ins
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Book-Ins will meet at 7 p.m. in the Orange historical district home of Mary Walker, 205 College Street. The book, “Hillbilly Elegy,” by J.D. Vance, will be reviewed by Juliet Smith. Also, AAUW Yearbooks will finally be distributed due to the Tropical Storm Harvey displaced calendar year.
OC Republican Party meeting
Orange County Republican Party will meet at 7 p.m. in the Commissioner’s Courtroom in Orange. Come and learn about Precinct and County Conventions. You can view a sample ballot and find voting locations.
Wed., Feb. 28
Golden K Kiwanis meeting
New Agricultural Extension Agent for Orange County, Heston Henry, will speak at Golden K Kiwanis on various programs now being offered through the AgriLife office on FM 1442. The time is 9-10 a.m. on Wed., Feb. 28, in the Salvation Army Meeting room just inside the front doors, at the corner of MLF and Strickland Drives. The public is invited, and coffee will be served.