Grassroots expo offers guidance, information on prepping
Published 1:10 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018
- Photo courtesy of Preparing for the next natural disaster or wanting to know more about basic prepping is what the 8th annual Southeast Texas/Southwest Louisiana Crisis Preparation and Sustainable Living Expo is all about. From 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 at Little Cypress Baptist Church.
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
What is a bug out bag? What should one have in it once they understand what a bug out bag is?
8th annual Southeast Texas/Southwest Louisiana 2018 Crisis Preparation and Sustainable Living Expo can help answer those questions and more.
Classes on topics such as Low Cost Radio Communications, to medicinal uses of honey, and even self-defense for women are available for free on Saturday, Feb. 17.
Classes are a hour each and several classes are available each hour beginning at 9 a.m. with an hour break from Noon until 1 p.m. The event begins at 8 a.m.
Along with classes, vendors will also be on site.
“This is a grass root group and ha spread by word of mouth,” Little Cypress Baptist Church Pastor David Turner said. “We have offered it free every year. We don’t charge anyone so as to reach those who need the information.”
This year, donations will be accepted but are not required.
“The vendors do not pay to set up and the teachers volunteer their time,” Turner said.
A map the campus for classrooms and a schedule of the available classes are at the churches website at
The theme of the event is Prepping from wisdom, not fear.
“Prepping was normal culture until approximately 150 years ago,” Turner said. “Other than the very rich, people would grow food fir survival. Not preparing was only very recent historically.”
Available classes are:
- Evaluating Medical Crisis, Dr. Ben ’ s Staff
- The Good News About Nuclear War – 90% Survival*
- National Weather Service- getting ready each day
- Natural Disaster preparation and clean up
- Creativity in Prepping and Crisis Recovery
- Canning fresh vegetables and meat
- Sanitation and Survival
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Raised Bed Gardening
- Simple Solar plans and uses
- Herbs as medicine and food
- Woodsmanship
- Beekeeping
- Dehydrating veggies without expensive equipment
- Hands On Workshops
At this time the only class requiring preregistration is the canning class. One can register by calling 883-8905