Payne’s Pantry: Give yourself some normalcy with a Rainbow Cake
Published 1:03 pm Wednesday, November 29, 2017
- Anne Payne/The Orange Leader Rainbow Cake made by Bonnie Hopperton.
Recipe given to Anne Payne by Bonnie Hopperton, courtesy of Food Network
A few weeks before “the storm,” (aka Hurricane or Tropical Storm Harvey) the ladies of Orange County Friends, OCF, formerly Orange Newcomers, decided to have a Night Bunco. These gals like bunco so well that they continue during the summer months, even though most all other club activities have closed for the summertime.
This particular Night Bunco was held at the home of Bonnie and Ron Hopperton in the Chasse Ridge subdivision. Besides the house being beautifully decorated by Bonnie herself, Bonnie added a special touch to the evening, a dessert called Rainbow Cake, straight from the Food Network. It had six layers of beautiful colors. Every bunco player there enjoyed a piece of that scrumptious cake. It is certainly a keeper, but Bonnie took about 2 days to make it, so schedule your time wisely.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set out at least 3 round 8″ or 9″ cake pans and a roll of parchment paper.
Ingredients for cake which serves 12-14 people:
2 boxes white cake mix
2 cups water
1 cup oil
6 eggs
Blue food coloring
Red food coloring
Green food coloring
Yellow food coloring
Orange food coloring
Purple food coloring
Ingredients for frosting:
1 cup softened butter or margarine
1 cup Crisco shortening (not oil)
2 teaspoons vanilla and 3-4 tablespoons milk
One 2-pound bag of powdered sugar
Beat all of cake ingredients except food coloring. Divide batter into 6 bowls, then add one food coloring to each bowl. Blend batter and coloring in each bowl.
Line bottoms of three 8″ or 9″ cake pans with parchment paper. Pour colored batter from 3 of the bowls into the cake pans. Bake the 3 cakes for only 20 minutes, then take baked cakes out of pans to cool on baking racks after about 10 minutes. While cakes are cooling, wash, dry, and line the 3 cake pans with parchment paper, pouring the remaining colored batter into the washed 3 pans. Again, bake the 3 cakes for only 20 minutes, then take baked cakes out of pans to cool on baking racks after about 10 minutes.
Beat all the frosting ingredients on high speed of an electric mixer until fluffy, putting one cup aside. Frost cake layers, top and sides, with thin coat of frosting.
Be careful to keep layers evenly stacked and freeze. Just before serving time, frost with remaining frosting and serve. Your guests will love you and the cake.
Somewhere over the rainbow . . . normalcy after the storm exists. Eat cake!