Control your palette, control your pounds
Published 8:01 am Saturday, November 18, 2017
By Demetrius Moffett
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV)
As the holidays approaches, most of us are looking forward to sitting down with family for feast, food, fellowship and football.
Our palettes are already salivating at the thoughts of cornbread dressing, scratch macaroni and cheese, ham, fried turkey, sweet potato pie and pound cakes.
The probability of gaining weight or putting on the pounds are considerably high. There will be office parties, and other Christmas gathering where scrumptious food will be on display. The temptation to partake of celebratory cuisine will be a delightful struggle that some of us, such as myself, will probably succumb to the sin of over eating.
I’ve already resolve that come January 2nd, I will begin some form of weight lost regiment.
In order for me to be successful in laying aside, losing the weight is to control my palette. There are some things I need to lose an appetite for.
This also applies to our Christian walk as well. As we access the menu of our palettes, what do we have a desire for? What are we craving? What moral or immoral cuisine are temptation to us? How much weight are we carrying do to the lack of controlling our palette?
To lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, I submit that we lose the appetite for these things.
Controlling our palette and losing our appetite for drama will allow us to lose weight to fit into the pants of peace.
Losing our appetite for prejudice will allow us to fit into the uniform of unity.
Losing our appetite for hatred will allow for us to wear the athletic suit of love. Losing our appetite for those things that weigh us down will allow for us to be fit to run with endurance the race for a better family, community and church.
As we enjoy the season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, think about this, if I can control my palette, can I control my poundage? Our flesh will crave only what it is familiar with, however it’s our will that controls the “hand to mouth.”
Lay it aside not inside, you’ll feel lighter for it.