A successful beginning

Published 6:34 am Saturday, November 4, 2017

By Rickie Harris

We experienced a unique start to this new school year as Hurricane Harvey presented so many obstacles to overcome. At West Orange – Cove CISD, we did all that we could in order to meet those challenges. Ultimately as a District, we have had a successful first marking period for the 2017-2018 school year.

Members of the Board of Trustees and I conducted Campus Walks at all five of our campuses on Tuesday, October 31; and, we were very pleased with the academic environment on each campus. All campuses are progressing well. It is evident that our district’s instructional systems are being reinforced on the campus level and these operations are netting positive results with our students and staff.

As we continue to strengthen instructional capacity among our staff, we also recently conducted a vertical alignment teacher staff development to ensure that required instruction is taking place within appropriate sequences. Additionally, we conducted our second session of our Aspiring Administrators Leadership Academy this past week. Public relations and communication tools were shared with participants so that they may build upon their ability to communicate with all stakeholders of our district. Both of these District led sessions were effective and well received.

On October 27, we submitted Snapshot enrollment numbers to the Texas Education Agency. Our school district count was 2395 students. That number is about 60 students below our anticipated enrollment; but in reviewing that number in relationship to Hurricane Harvey recovery, we are pleased. Additionally, we submitted a West Orange – Stark High School enrollment count to the University Interscholastic League of 581 students. This number is similar to WOS High School’s enrollment numbers submitted during the past two realignment years.

Congratulations to High School Choir student Clarissa Cortez for earning selection to the All-Region Choir. She now advances to the next level of competition which will be held at the end of this month. In athletics, the Mustangs continue to represent our school district in an outstanding manner. For example, Dominique Preston placed ninth at the District Cross Country meet and advanced to Regional competition. Finally, and in usual fashion, the Mustang high school football team is off to a great start in District. We anticipate the team will continue to compete well.

All in all, we have had a successful beginning to the 2017-2018 school year. We are empowering lives through excellence every day. As contemporary author John Maxwell said, “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.”

Go Mustangs!

Rickie R. Harris is the Superintendent at West Orange – Cove CISD