Don’t create a burden in the mist of celebrating a blessing

Published 12:45 pm Saturday, October 28, 2017

By Demetrius Moffett


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8.

God granted me the opportunity to coach one of my ministry members. They were expressing to me how much they praise God for what He has been doing since the storm. How God is just being “So God.”

Then in the next breath they began to express their concern as to who has not been responding. Stating that this group should be involved and that group should respond. They gave me the financial report of what they believe groups had and the membership size that ministries had and how it is a shame that they are not doing anything.

I could tell from their expressions that they had created a burden for themselves. I asked them to raise their hand (which has become a custom of mine) if they believe the word of God is true. They raised their hand and emphatically proclaimed that there is no other truth but God’s word.

The Holy Spirit guided me to Isaiah 55:8. I acknowledge their concern of the non-responsiveness of some organizations. Could they have responded? More than likely yes. However, I returned their attention to the start of our coaching session and how God has been blessings them in spite of the one’s they felt should be responding. They had created a burden in the mist of celebrating a blessing. They were desiring to have others to meet a need that God already addressing.

Our thoughts are not God’s thoughts, our ways are not His ways.

God was supplying response to a need in a way that truly is showing He is God. Using logic can and in most cases, will minimize our praise toward God.

The only logic to God is to accept that He operates in what is illogical to man. If the process of the blessing doesn’t make sense, we know it’s God. Not to say that God doesn’t bless us in logical ways. But when we get to trying to rationalize how the blessings are coming it’s just best to celebrate the blessings. God will use the most unlikely persons to be the vehicles to deliver His blessing.

I asked them, what do you believe God would have you to learn from this experience? Anytime God is doing a “mind blowing” endeavor, it might just be that we need have our thoughts blown out and His thoughts blown in. God creates blessings to conquer burdens.