Payne’s Pantry: Easy Field Peas and Green Snaps with Mushrooms

Published 4:45 pm Thursday, September 28, 2017

By Anne Payne

Those in the South are very fond of Field Peas, many times mixed with small Green Bean Snaps.  I like to put a different twist on those little old peas, jazzing them up with freshly cooked mushrooms and butter.

You know, everything’s better with butter!  That’s what some chefs say, and I agree!


My grandma, my mom’s mama,

Tennie Anna (Hill) Mullins, was reared in the Missouri Ozark town of Gainesville.  She went to a one-room school house there, Lily Ridge School.  My parents drove me all the way to see it several times as a child.

Most often, as a guest at the Hill or the Mullins’ homes, you would likely be served a helping of field peas, along with mashed potatoes or green beans and small red potatoes, fried chicken or roast beef, buttered carrots, homemade rolls, and homemade pie.  Yes, my 5 feet tall granny was a fine cook, always pleasant, the daughter of an Irishman, Floyd Thomas Hill of Georgia. Grandma loved those field peas, which, of course, she grew!




1 small-med. pkg. frozen field peas w/green snaps (fresh can be used but must be soaked over night)

2 1/2 sticks butter

1/4 cup water

1 small pkg fresh, sliced mushrooms

3 cut-up bacon slices (optional)

salt & pepper


Take a moderate-sized covered baking dish, microwave-safe, and dump the frozen field peas & snaps (or soaked fresh peas) onto the dish.  Add about 1/4 cup water and 1 1/2 stick of sliced butter to peas.  Cover and microwave for 10 minutes.

Salt and pepper to taste.


While peas are being “nuked,” place the 1 sliced stick of remaining butter in a small saucepan and melt on stove. Immediately add the small pkg of fresh, sliced mushrooms to the saucepan and cook until tender and browned, stirring often over stove’s low heat.  If bacon used, cut up bacon in small pieces and cook with mushrooms.


Finally, add the buttered, seared mushrooms (and bacon if used) to the microwaved field peas with green snaps.

Stir well.  Cover.  Cook for 3 more minutes in microwave.

Stir well.  Uncover and add 2 pats of butter to center of dish.

Cover for a minute.  Serve hot.