More rain on the way
Published 8:03 pm Monday, August 28, 2017
Orange County is expected to receive several more inches of rain into the night and several more inches over the next several days. The intermittent breaks in rain bands have allowed for some rising water to drain away and we are aware that some residences have water remaining in their yards or in their homes.
Orange County Officials have NOT called for an evacuation at this time. However, future forecasts may require further action. We are encouraging residents to be prepared and to have a plan in the event further action is requested. Always take appropriate action for you and your family.
County and City Officials are continuing to monitor Tropical Storm Harvey and the amount of rainfall predicted across our areas. Officials are also maintaining direct communication with the river authorities regarding current and future river levels.
Those that have had damage to their homes are asked to call an Emergency Operations Center representative at 409-882-7895 and provide your name and address so the county may begin an assessment. Homeowners will still need to follow up with their individual insurance companies. We will provide additional information when it is available.
Law Enforcement agencies and Emergency Services Districts (Fire Departments) are prepared to assist with anyone needing help from rising water or low lying areas. Local agencies are steadily working together to ensure the safety of our citizens. Please call 911 if you are in need of emergency assistance.
We also want to ask citizens to take precautions during periods of power outages:
- Don’t use candles.
- Don’t run a generator inside a building.
- Don’t connect a generator to the houses electrical system.
- Don’t use charcoal, gas, or propane heaters indoors.
- Don’t touch or even go near a fallen power line.
Be aware of false information being posted on Facebook and other forms of social media. Pay attention to dates from media reports and only post CURRENT information.
** The Vidor Police Department is experiencing temporary phone problems. If you are in need of the Vidor Police Department, call 911.
1:30 p.m.
**All sites listed below will remain open as long as supplies last
Precinct 1 Road & Bridge Barn, North Hwy 87 at North Teal, Orange
- pre-filled sandbags available for senior citizens and disabled residents today and tomorrow
Precinct 2 Road & Bridge Barn, 2600 Lawrence Road, Orange
- between 7:00 am – 3:30 pm only
Commissioner Precinct 2 Office, 11867 Hwy 62 North, Orange (CLOSED)
Mauriceville Fire Dept. 10691 Hwy 62 North, Orange (ADDED)
Precinct 3 Road & Bridge Barn, 2502 W Roundbunch Road, Orange
Vidor Sub Courthouse / Pct. 4 Commissioner’s parking lot
Orange County Drainage District, 8081 Old Hwy 90, Orange
Bridge City Sewer Plant, 297 Bower, Bridge City
- between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm only / Bridge City residents only
Vidor, across from the Animal Shelter, 160 Watts Street
West Orange Wesco Little League Park, corner of Burnett & Newton Streets
Pinehurst Operations & Maintenance building, 3000 Gull Street