Bridge City ISD closely monitoring approaching weather

Published 4:57 pm Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bridge City ISD is closely monitoring the approaching weather in the Gulf of Mexico, and we will make decisions about a school delay or closing as more information becomes available. Any time we are faced with decisions about delays or closures, those decisions are focused on the safety of our students and staff traveling to and from campus. In almost every instance, students are safer in one of our school facilities than in any other structure in the community. However, we recognize that traveling to and from campus is a concern at times. Tropical Storm Harvey is expected to be a rain event for our area, which means that we may experience some flooding in lower parts of our community. We expect that our transportation services will be able to access the vast majority of the roads in our community: but also realize that several roads are prone to flooding. Transportation service will not be able to pick up or drop off on roads experiencing flooding. We ask that you please exercise good judgement in deciding whether or not to travel in poor weather if you live in a flood-affected area. Be safe- do not drive through standing water.
We are also aware that many of our parents work and must report to their jobs regardless of the weather conditions. Those parents rely on our campuses to be open. We plan to make every effort to remain open to serve the students of the community. As of this notice no deviation from our normal schedule is planned. Please continue to monitor the BCISD website ( the BCISD Facebook page, the BCISD Twitter page 9@BridgeCityISD), and the local news outlets for changes to our normal schedule. Thank You for your Cooperation,
Todd Lintzen, Superintendent