Sporting goods store strives for creating economic boost to area
Published 2:43 pm Wednesday, August 16, 2017
- Dawn Burleigh/The Orange Leader Neighborhood Sporting Goods, located 1011 10th Street in Orange, offers a wide variety clothing for fans, local, state and national teams.
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
Neighborhood Sporting Goods is not your average sporting goods store.
With workout gear and wear, the store also offers customized clothing.
Just 19 months ago, Larry Zetar, owner, opened the store in a small shopping center located at 1011 10th Street in Orange. Opening the store was obtaining a dream Zetar had for several years.
“I always wanted to sell clothes,” Zetar said. “I did sell from out of my house and in a van in Beaumont. But I always wanted a store.”
While offering school spirit shirts for local schools such as Orangefield, West Orange Stark and Little Cypress, he also offers silk-screening for customizing clothing.
“I made the Back to Back Champion hats for the West Orange Mustangs,” Zetar said. “I also have NFL gear.”
Zetar, who recently lost his best friend who assisted him with the store, said business has been successful.
“next year, my goal is to expand and open another location,” Zetar said.
Currently, the store employs two full time employees.
“God is blessing me,” Zetar said as he spoke of the store and future goals.
Zetar is familiar with area as he has lived in Orange his entire life.
“I am a 1981 WOS graduate,” Zetar added.
The current location was selected for the store because of the area.
“It is a nice area,” Zetar said. “It is a route many take going home and is walking distance for many.”
He also said he would like to see more businesses open in the area.
“It adds production in the area for our kids,” Zetar said. “My dad had a business, Zetar BBQ and another relative had Broussard’s Drive In store.”
Zetar said more businesses will help the area.
Not only does he still make his dad’s famous homemade links, but Zetar also gives make to the community as part of Brothers and Brothers.
“My brothers and I will hold a fish fry benefit to help with funeral costs when the family cannot afford the costs,” Zetar said. “We have helped nine families so far.”
His sister, Debbie Chavis, said Zetar is a good man.
“I am so proud of him,” Chavis said. “He is a good man and will do all he can for the kids.”