Saying farewells to Barclay

Published 1:20 pm Wednesday, August 16, 2017

By Larry Holt

The Orange Leader

The council had a full agenda, on Tuesday, including saying goodbye to Councilman Dan Barclay who recently presented his resignation and will be moving out of the area soon to be closer to family.

Barclay has served since 2008 and was not only presented a plaque commemorating his service but each council member, in turn, spoke highly of Barclay’s service, his probing questions, the joy they had working with him, and everyone wished him well.

“It’s been a wonderful experience working with the council and serving the citizens of Pinehurst,” Barclay said.

Other business included the city approving a three percent raise for employee’s and continuation of the same arrangement for payment of health insurance premiums for employee’s and spouses going into the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Harry Vine addressed the council in his role as President of the local Kiwanis club and announced the Kiwanis are donating a swing for the city park on Park Avenue, which was news roundly applauded by all.

As Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Pinehurst, Vine led several discussions, one proposing a six-month moratorium on gaming room activities within the city limits to provide time to research a possible city ordinance for those activities.

Currently, the City of Pinehurst does not have a city ordinance affecting game rooms.

Entergy Customer Service Specialist Jim Malain presented the city with a sponsorship check of $1,000 to help with the upcoming Labor Day picnic, an annual event for the past 18 years. The council attendees applauded and thanked Entergy for their steady support and commitment to the event.

City Secretary Debbie Cormier presented several items on the agenda, one being a proposal that was approved by the council to adopt the “effective tax rate of $0.69762 for the 2017 tax year instead of the current $0.69799 tax rate – a difference of .00037 percent or $300.”

Councilman Dan Mohon and Barclay each praised Cormier and City Administrator, Robbie Hood for their “tireless efforts doing the heavy lifting,” putting together the 2017-2018 budget.

“This is a good budget,” Mohon said.

Other agenda items included a discussion led by Hood regarding adopting a FEMA required Hazard Mitigation Plan for the city.

“To receive pre and post disaster funds from FEMA, the city is required to have a Hazard Mitigation Plan,” Hood said.

The council voted unanimously to adopt the plan and when the city receives funds they resolved to implement mitigation strategies.