Biker day set to kick off
Published 8:55 am Saturday, July 15, 2017
- Courtesy photo Shon Branham is scheduled to perform at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 22 during the Gate City Guild #42 Biker Day fundraising event at the Orange Boat Ramp on Simmons Drive in Orange.
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
Best dressed biker.
Best sling shot vehicle.
These are just a couple of the contests which will be held during the inaugural Biker Day event, hosted by gate City Guild #42, starting at 10 a.m. – 9 p.m., Saturday, July 22, at the Orange Boat Ramp on Simmons Drive in Orange.
“We would like to hold this event every year,” Benitris Edwards said. “The event is to help raise funds for our Back to School event.”
Funds are raised through booth rental fees.
“When you purchase a booth, those funds go to Back to School,” Edwards said. “Musicians and vendors keep the funds they raise during the event.”
Motorcycles will not be the only vehicles on site during the event. Slingshot Cars are also invited and have the chance to win a trophy.
The Polaris Slingshot is a three-wheeled motor vehicle. It was introduced in 2014 as a 2015 model. The Slingshot is manufactured by Polaris Industries, who claim “It’s a three-wheeled motorcycle!”
Musical lineup for the event features local talents such as Lachelle at 10 a.m., Jay ‘Den Miller at 10:30 a.m., Shon Branham at 11 a.m., J Maine at 1 p.m., J Bean at 2 p.m., Alonzo Williams aka Streetwise at 3 p.m., Doghill Stompess Zydeco from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Jay’den Miller is an 8th grade cheerleader for West Orange Stark.
Shan Branham was named Texas Country Music Show Entertainer of the Year in 2010.
Alonzo Williams recently performed at the 2017 Juneteenth Celebrations.
“The booths are 10×10, with all the proceeds going to Back to School,” Kreshonda Armstrong said. “We have all kinds of vendors and products. We have about 10 booths still available.”
Last year, Gate City Guild #42 helped 200 children with needed school supplies.
“We are hoping to be able to help 300 or more this year,” Benitris Edwards said. “This is county wide, not just the city of Orange.”
‘We are hoping the community will come out and support this event,” Kimberly Arnold said. “This event is about truly trying to support the community. So come out and support the city.”
For more information, contact Benitris Edwards at 409-330-6730.