VFW and Auxiliary 2775 BBQ/Membership Drive brings friends together
Published 8:17 am Saturday, July 8, 2017
Special to The Leader
The VFW and Auxiliary 2775 BBQ/Membership Drive once again provided the opportunity for old and new friends to congregate and enjoy the friendships. Jeanette Clark, Membership Chairman, was able to collect 16 dues for the 2018 Fiscal Year. Membership is the backbone of any organization and a special thank you to those who paid their dues following the Newsletter sent in June, and to those who will in the near future. Prior to the dinner, Justin McIntyre, a new Auxiliary Life Member and Victor Midgett, from Boy Scout Troop 65 brought in the colors, followed by The Pledge of Allegiance and then a prayer by Auxiliary Chaplain Mary Snapp. Meat was provided by the post, with Wilbert Duhon overseeing the cooking. President Cathie Duhon spearheaded the auxiliary members who prepared and/or provided side dishes.