Side of Smith you don’t see

Published 9:44 am Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Editorial by Mary Ekene


Now everyone knows about the political side of Michael Smith, but do they actually know about the personable side. In politics, we so often focus on the media, the issues, political campaigning, our candidates etc.; that we forget to take the time to get to know the person who is running for their political seat. So let’s take the time to get to know Mr. Smith and see that this person was that ran for Orange City Council District 3.

Smith is from Port Arthur, TX and has been married to his wife Anna for 10 years. Together, they have four boys AJ, Rylan, Cameron, and Julian. They have two pugs, Addie and Stella. His mom has been a teacher for 33 years and his dad has been a teacher and a coach for 37 years. He comes from a family line of educators and values education a lot. His son just graduated from Henderson State in Arkansas with a B.A. in Business. So as a parent he knows the value of education and what it means to be educated and useful.

Smith says one of his favorite hobbies is cooking and relaxing with his wife. He says he loves to cook healthy dishes for his wife and watch movies with her. He goes on to talk about how much he loves his wife and that spending intimate time alone is very important to him. Also he says he enjoys sports as well as playing them. Smith enjoys basketball, football and track.

“As a father, some of my favorite times have been playing one on one basketball with the boys,” Smith said.

He really enjoys using that time to enjoy sports and have family time with his boys.

“My time left on this earth won’t be wasted,” Smith said. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about what happened, and how I need to be more purposeful with my life.”

Smith says this in retrospect to an accident he had years ago running on the LCM track.

“I take every advantage I can to spend time with family, but most importantly, listen to God’s voice for the direction he has for my life,” he said.

He states that is what lead for him and his wife to open their business The Water Tree in Orange, TX, an alkaline antioxidant water and health supplement store. He states that experience changed his life and motivated him to fulfill all of his goals and do not take life for granted.

Although Smith did not win the seat for Orange City Council Position 3, he still continues to make a change in his city by volunteer work, being on the Orange Board and making his voice heard through the programs in the city. Michael Smith is a loving husband, a great father, a successful business owner, a motivator and of course a person who cares about the concerns for the people of the City of Orange. He has goals and a purpose he wants to fulfill through hard work and focus. But he knows it takes a village and a positive state of mind to fulfill that goal.

Mr. Smith I wish you the best and may you continue to strive to be successful at all of your endeavors.

Mary Ekene founder The Institution of Performing Arts in Orange