Salter thankful for support
Published 10:03 am Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Editorial by Terrie T. Salter
Residents of District #3, I would like to sincerely thank you for electing me as your Council Representative for District 3. I am truly honored and humbled by your confidence that I will be able to represent our District. I am looking forward to working with each member that currently sits on the City of Orange Council Board, all the staff, residents of the District and others that make up our beautiful city.
First let me thank my mother and my son who had to be very patient with me, it is not easy to share your time with the others, but he was there for his mother and I appreciated his love and support. Next I want to thank the special man in my life Grover L. Roberts III for going beyond the call of duty. I am sure some people thought he was running for this position instead of me at times. I want to express my gratitude to everyone who tirelessly played a part in this race, those that prayed, voted and believed in me. Next I want to thank Michael Smith, the other candidate who ran for office. You carried out a fair campaign that made for an exciting and competitive election. I was intrigued by many of your insights and ideas, and I hope that we are able to work together outside of this to implement some of the excellent suggestions you and I spoke about. Let me encourage you and wish you lots of luck on all your new endeavors for the future.
Additionally, I want to thank Mrs. Belfield for her outstanding service and leadership as she moves on to the next phase in her life. She has help lead this city well and left some big shoes to fill. Mrs. Belfield, thank you for all you did to assist in moving this city forward during some difficult times. Next, I want to thank the city of Orange staff for working hard during this election especially the run-off because I appreciate all that they do and last but not least the great residents of District 3 for their support and prayers. But above all I will never forget who this triumph, this victory belongs to. It belongs to you, and you and you and you. It belongs to the people of District #3. This is your win District #3, and your voice was heard and I pledge to go beyond the call of duty.
We celebrate today but tomorrow we begin our quest at addressing the needs, concerns and ideas of the people in District 3. Although we may not get to where we want to be in one year, we will continue to strive for greatness in this city. I have never been more hopeful than I am today that we will make Orange a place, a future everyone can be proud to call Home. We can do this together as a family of Orange.
As your newly elected councilwoman, I promise to take into account the different interests and voices on the many issues we will face during my term, specifically the topics I addressed during my campaign but we must be mindful that elected officials cannot solve every problem. But I will be transparent and honest with each of you about the challenges we face. I promise to listen to you and represent you to the fullest. I look forward to serving as your representative while we all work together as a team for change. I will work hard with others members to attract investments to this city and do everything I can to showcase this city at its best. I will do my part to see more residents throughout our city get involved in the civic life of our city. I know that with the pride of our city, responsibility by the people to do our part and help each other in need. We know that if one District fall that we all fail as a community, as one people. There is so much more for us to do.
Even though the race is over, I want to continue to hear from the people getting feedback and finding out more ways I can better serve you. It is about representing district 3 to the best of my ability. Please help me do this. Together we can make Orange an even better place to live.
There is no doubt in my mind that we live in the best city in America. I trust that each of the Council members, staff and residents of Orange share my belief. Together with you, the residents of District 3 in Orange, we will continue to keep our District 3 beautiful and safe joining forces with other members of the council so that Orange move forward in a positive manner. A place we can all call home and be proud of. Thank you again for your support. “Elected to Serve!”