Exploring Vienna, Austria
Published 10:47 am Saturday, February 18, 2017
- Madeleine Fuselier /The Orange Leader An ice skating rink in front of Wiener Rathaus, the city hall of Vienna.
By Madeleine Fuselier
Hi there! I am a life-long Orangeite who is currently living in Paris. I am spending this year teaching English, improving my French, and exploring France (and some of its neighboring countries) before heading to college this fall. Keep reading to find out what’s been going on “Meanwhile With Madeleine.” Thanks for allowing me to share my adventures with you!
Hello from Vienna, Austria! For the past few days, I’ve been busy falling head over heels for this beautiful city.
Our first morning here, my friend Rachel and I went to a popular Viennese cafe for breakfast. Wanting to get a jump start on our culinary exploration of Vienna, we ordered a ton of yummy looking pastries and planned to share everything. When the waiter arrived at our table with not one, but two of everything we had ordered, neither of us bothered to correct the situation (and nothing went to waste). Since then, I’ve continued to devour every dish placed in front of me, and I’ve loved every bite of it. Goulash, Wiener Schnitzel, Cordon Bleu, Apple Strudel, and lots of delicious coffee and cake have all been highlights of my time in Vienna.
Being here has brought a nice change of pace as well. Vienna is a much calmer city than Paris, and it’s been great to slow down for a while. Everyone here has been very friendly, and nearly everyone we’ve encountered has spoken English (which is fortunate because our German skills are nonexistent).
Tonight, Rachel and I saw a beautiful performance by the Vienna State Ballet. It was a perfect way to end our last full day here. Tomorrow we will be headed to Hallstatt, a tiny village up in the mountains. While I’m excited to continue with the rest of our trip, I’m definitely going to be a little bit sad to leave Vienna.