East meets West in unified service
Published 9:52 am Wednesday, January 25, 2017
- Randy Strong/The Orange Leader Two churches joined for unified services to build a bridge to strengthen unity, harmony, peace and love.
By Randy Strong
The Orange Leader
In a time with a divided nation pitting race against race, neighbor against neighbor and brother against brother through religion, racism, fear and hate two local churches came together in unity, harmony, peace and love.
The Korean Baptist Church, led by Pastor John, located off the service road south of interstate 10 just west of Farm to Market Road 1442 was invited to Silver Oaks Baptist Church on Farm to Market Road 1442 for a unified service.
With the assistance of Han, the Korean Baptist Church’s audio technician, some of the Korean Baptist church members led both congregations in spiritual song and dance. Following their uplifting audience participating performance Silver Oaks Pastor Ed Rawls gave an enlightening sermon about knowledgeable wisdom and understanding.
After the service, both churches sat down for a combination of both wonderful Korean cuisine and good Ole’ Texas country cookin’.
While everyone was enjoying great food and conversation Rawls said, “This night was about two congregations who serve the same Lord in two separate ways coming together in worship.”
The night was such a total success both churches vowed to continue visiting each other to further strengthen a bond that only faith, love and understanding can provide.