Senator Perry Files Bill Prohibiting Dismemberment Abortions
Published 4:49 pm Thursday, January 5, 2017
Special to The Leader
AUSTIN, TX – Today, Senator Charles Perry filed Senate Bill 415, prohibiting the practice of dismemberment abortions. A dismemberment abortion is an abortion in which a living unborn baby is surgically dismembered and extracted.
“Each year in Texas, more than a thousand lives are ended by dismemberment abortions. As a society we should not allow a practice that literally pulls a living child apart in the womb,” said Senator Perry. “We know that children in the womb are capable of feeling pain, prohibiting this practice is long overdue.”
So far, six states have passed legislation to end the practice of dismemberment abortion. Senator Perry’s bill would penalize an individual performing the dismemberment abortion if it causes the death of an unborn child, unless it was done as an emergency life-saving procedure for the mother.
You can check on bills filed by going to the website