Pinehurst proclaims Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Published 11:28 am Wednesday, October 12, 2016
- Bobby Tingle/The Orange Leader Pinehurst City Council showed support and to honor women and their loved ones who have been hurt by breast cancer by wearing pink at the Tuesday evening meeting.
By Bobby Tingle
City of Pinehurst approved a proclamation declaring October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Members of the council dressed in pink for their regularly scheduled meeting in honor of women and their loved ones who have been hurt by this disease.
Cub Scout Pack 311 attended the city council meeting as a part of their advancement requirements. Sarah Cloyd, Den Mother, addressed the council and recognized the scouts in attendance. During a break in the meeting the scouts discussed upcoming camping trips and visited with Police Chief Fred R. Hanauer, III.
Hanauer reported a policy change enacted recently making protective vests a mandatory requirement for officers on duty. An investigation will also be conducted to consider the feasibility of acquiring rapid deployment vests. If an event escalates, posing a serious safety threat to officers, the additional vest will provide increased protection for officers.
City Administrator, Robbie Hood is actively pursuing appointment of a second member to the Orange County EDC Board of Directors. Council postponed action until next month to allow Orange County Commissioners to consider the request for approval.
Harry Vine, Code Enforcement Officer, reported a joint a venture with Orange Baptist Church on October 23. Volunteers will gather with Vine to clean up several properties in Pinehurst. Vine will be seeking donations of supplies and materials for this effort from area retailers.
Dan Barclay addressed the council about the need for safety during the upcoming Fall and Winter months when temperatures drop and residents begin using heaters. The risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning increases during this time of year. The city requires installation of fire and carbon monoxide detectors in new structures. The council strongly recommends all residents install detectors for their safety.
The volunteer fire department led by Fire Chief Shon Branham, has recently received recognition from Bridge City fire fighters. Pinehurst volunteers were called out recently to aid in an incident in Bridge City. Branham and his volunteer staff have dedicated their time and effort to train and motivate their fourteen volunteers. Recently, the Bridge City Fire Department recognized the quality work of the Pinehurst volunteers and therefore will call them for mutual assistance incidents.
In routine action, the council renewed their tax abatement guideline policy enacted in 1999, passed a resolution of intent to create a re-investment zone for tax abatement purposes and received a favorable financial report from City Secretary Debbie Cormier.