Orange County Realtors wins TREPAC Award

Published 8:00 am Saturday, July 30, 2016

By Karen Y. Stevens

Special to The Leader

Orange County Realtors won second place in the TREPAC Quota Award for the entire state of Texas. Considering how small Orange is compared to most cities in the State of Texas, this is a huge accomplishment. TREPAC stands for Texas Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee.

What does this mean to the average homeowner? A lot. TREPAC backs local, state, and national candidates and elected officials who have a proven track record of protecting private-property rights, preserving the dream of homeownership, and supporting the vitality of the real estate industry.

In 2015 alone, TREPAC was responsible for 1) Passing a constitutional amendment to ban any tax on real estate transfers and increase the homestead exemption to $25,000 in one motion. 2) Supported substantial business tax relief with a 25% reduction in the franchise tax rate 3) Revised the property appraisal process to ensure equal and uniform property valuation 4) Supported legislation to improve Texas roads by ending diversions from the Texas Highway Fund, decreasing bond debt, and allocate motor vehicle sales taxes to the state highway fund 5) Required a super majority vote and notification on the taxing unit’s website before a local taxing jurisdiction may increase a property-tax rate 6) Enacted protections against bad-faith claims of patent infringement against end users located in, or doing business in Texas. 7) Supported changes to the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to improve funding, efficiency, and private market participation. 8) Repealed a $300 fee that double-taxed brokers for their two-year license.

This is an important group for the state of Texas and the Realtors of Orange County have proven they believe that, by the money they have raised. Thanks to all who participated in this endeavor to make it happen.

Karen Y. Stevens is founder of the Orange County Christian Writers Guild