Babin Introduces Bill to Protect Student Privacy from Obama’s Mixed-Gender Bath and Changing Room Mandate

Published 12:56 pm Monday, May 23, 2016

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) on Friday introduced the Student Privacy Protection and Safety Act (H.R. 5294) to ensure local schools, as well as public and private colleges, are not forced to carry out the Obama Administration’s misguided transgender bathroom policies.

“The Obama Administration’s reinterpretation of current law would jeopardize the privacy and modesty of every child in America,” said Rep. Babin. “It is wrong to force upon tens of millions of American elementary, middle and high school students mixed gender bathrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms, but that is exactly what the Administration is doing.  The federal government should not be in the business of throwing common sense and decency out the window and forcing local schools to permit a teenage boy who ‘identifies’ as a girl to use changing rooms, locker rooms and bathrooms with five year-old girls.”


H.R. 5294 would prevent the federal government from enforcing the policy by completely invalidating the May 13th directive by the Department of Education and Department of Justice. Furthermore, the bill would prevent the federal government from issuing any further guidance of similar nature unless Congress directs it to do so.