Vidor Masonic Lodge present Community Builder Award
Published 8:49 am Saturday, May 14, 2016
- Courtesy photo Claudia Duhon of the Vidor Walmart was presented the The Grand Lodge of Texas Community Builder Award on Thursday by Vidor Lodge No. 1286 A.F. & A.M.
Special to the Leader
Vidor Lodge No. 1286 A.F. & A.M. presented The Grand Lodge of Texas Community Builder Award to Claudia Duhon of the Vidor Walmart in recognition of her and her coworkers contributions to the Vidor local community. The award ceremony was held May 12, 2016 at 7:30 PM with a barbeque dinner meal served prior to the ceremony at 6:30 PM at the Vidor Lodge building. The meal was served by ladies of The Order of the Easter Star Vidor Chapter #914 who provide deserts for the meal. The ceremony was attended by approximately 35 interested persons.
The Community Builder Award is a Masonic Lodge’s formal recognition of outstanding men or women who are non-Masons and who have distinguished themselves through their service to the community, to the local, state or national government, to their church or synagogue, or to humanity. Thus, the award will be presented to qualified individuals who, although they have never been initiated into Masonry, have followed the same precepts, ideals and standards that have been established for Masonic behavior.
Lodges are encouraged to seek out the men and women who, year in and year out, quietly and without fanfare, show their devotion to their community and its people without the expectation of awards or honors. Our honorees are chosen by a selected committee and approved by the membership of the Lodge. Every community has individuals who qualify for the Community Builder Award. We may find them private business, in public office, on community projects, in service clubs, heavily involved in their church activities, in schools and patriotic organizations – anywhere that a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.
Ms. Duhon accompanied by several of her co-workers accepted the award. Ms. Duhon credited her co-workers who were also in attendance for the ceremony who donated their time and efforts toward this award being presented. Ms. Duhon and crew have specifically supported The Children’s Miracle Network fundraising as well as Vidor Lodge fundraising for charitable endeavors.