Hunter seeking position of Trustee for the West Orange-Cove ISD Board
Published 10:45 am Thursday, April 7, 2016
I’m Demetrius Hunter and I’m running for a trustee position on the School Board for the West Orange-Cove Independent School District. I want to be on the School Board because I want to see that our school system be the best it can be by hiring the best teachers so our children can get a good education, pass their tests, and go on with their career.
We need to do better in reading writing, math and improve test scores. I want them – the students – to be recognized for their excellence.
Our kids need to be knowledgeable and receive a good education to make their way in life. They need to be able to make a living, know how to pay their bills, and learn how to build and keep their credit to reach the dreams they have for their family.
Many kids may not want to go to college but still need to understand their options to going into the military or the trade schools, so they can make it in life.
I’m a sports fanatic but not everyone’s going to make it through life by being an athlete. So, it is important that we stress education to be the number 1 factor to success in life.
My two children and grandchild are in the independent school district for West Orange-Cove. I grew up here and have been a part of West Orange-Cove Independent School District all my life, and am also a captain in the City of West Orange volunteer fire department. My wife, father, and I spent a lot of volunteer time at sports events cooking food and serving “a link and a drink” for the families and friends of the school district. The fellowship and service are important to us and show how much we care for the school system and its supporters. I want to carry that service farther by being on the school board. I will prepare and rely on prayer that I make the right decisions on the important decisions that affect all of our children and our community.
So, on May 7th, check my name for trustee for West Orange-Cove Independent School District when you vote at your local polling place. If you’re not sure where you vote, call the Elections Administration from 8-5 at 882-7973. Also, early voting is from April 25 – May 3 at the Orange Public Library.