Orange City Council approves new position
Published 9:10 am Wednesday, January 27, 2016
By Martha Tallent
The Orange Leader
The Orange City Council approved the creation of a Social Media Coordinator position and the drawing up of the job description during the Tuesday night meeting. Leslie Barras, of Orange, asked that they consider spending the money allocated for this position on other events Orange may benefit from better, but the City Council approved the new position after discussion. Right now a part-time person is helping the Visitor’s Bureau and that position would be absorbed by this new full-time position. The same funding paying for the part-time position would pay for the new full-time position. A full job description will be available soon.
Attending the meeting was the Boy Scout Weblo Troop 311. The third graders were earning one of the requirements for a Civics award. Troop Leader, Crystal Broussard, expressed gratitude for the City Council in allowing them attend. City Councilmembers, as well, were encouraged at the troop being present in the meeting and hope other youth wwould take an interest in city government.
Other measures passed included authorizing the Orange Economic Development Corporation to undertake a project involving ITEX Homes, LLC, as particularly described herein, and authorizing the Orange Economic Development Corporation to expend funds on the project and a resolution ordering a General Election for the purpose of electing a Council Member for Single-Member District 2, a Council Member for Single-Member District 4 and a Council Member for At-Large Place 5; providing for other matters relating to the City election; ordering a Run-Off Election, if needed, to be held on June 18, 2016.
A resolution awarding a contract to Allco in the amount of $2,861,621.77 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Rehabilitation Project – Phase II A and II B.56 passed after discussion.