County opts to not fund Orange County EDC
Published 5:54 pm Monday, July 27, 2015
ORANGE COUNTY — In a surprising turn of events, Orange County Commissioners Court in a 3-2 vote to leave the Orange County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) as is followed by a 3-2 vote to not fund the EDC.
Orange County Judge Stephen Brint Carlton said reviewing the contract with the OC EDC was part of the continuation of reviewing all contracts and policies of the county, which began shortly after he took office in January.
“What do we want to do different? Do better? Dedicate more funds?,” Carlton asked during the Monday afternoon meeting. “Do we want to stay the same or go in a different direction like the city of Orange?”
Orange County EDC, established in 2003, has been under the direction of Executive Director Bobby Fillyaw since 2005.
Currently, the EDC is working on 10 projects worth a minimum of $6-8 billion according to Fillyaw.
“Some have been on the books for as little as six months while others for five years,” Fillyaw said.
The EDC has brought three 381 contracts and two 312 tax abatements in recent years.
Read more in the Wednesday, July 29, 2015 edition of The Orange Leader