Pinehurst annual senior picnic set for Monday
The biggest Labor Day celebration in Orange County happens this Monday.
The 15th Annual Labor Day Senior Citizens Picnic will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 7, at the Family Worship Center complex located at 2300 41st St. in Pinehurst. The event is not limited to residency in Pinehurst and is open to all area senior citizens and free of charge.
Parking is available at the church facility but space is limited. Shuttle service will be available to and from additional parking site located at Sabine Federal Credit Union on Strickland Drive.
The meal will be catered by Robert’s Meat Market and Restaurant and tickets will be available to guests as they register upon arrival. The meal is traditionally served at approximately 11:15 a.m. This year’s event will feature special guest, Dr. Brian Babin, U.S. Representative (Texas – 36th District), who will address the crowd.
Live music is always part of the annual Labor Day picnic festivities and this year will feature classic country music from The Keith Kire Band.
As always, door prizes will be part of the fun for the senior citizens who attend and register. A large 40-inch flat screen television and rocking chair have been donated for the prize giveaway, as in previous years.