LC-M seniors asked to fill ‘post-secondary plans’ survey

Published 11:48 am Thursday, May 7, 2020

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LC-M SENIORS NEED TO COMPLETE THE “POST-SECONDARY PLANS” SURVEY THAT WAS SENT TO THEIR SCHOOL EMAIL. (If you have a senior or know a senior, please remind them to do this immediately) Contact info for questions is at the bottom of this message)

Normally, students complete this survey in history classes, but this year not being normal, we are doing an online “survey.”
This is information that must be collected prior to graduation.

Please help us get the survey information from your senior student as soon as possible. Each senior received the survey via their LCM school email.

Information on survey includes

Plans after graduation:

If going to the military – which branch
If going directly into the workforce
If going to college – which one they selected (many have told us where they were accepted, but not which one they decided to attend)
FINAL Transcript Requests:

Seniors who are going to college – this is where they will “Request their Final High School Transcript” be sent to ______ college.

Seniors who took dual-enroll classes – this is where they finish the process – request their HS transcript go to partner college(s) – or they will have a hold when they register for their college classes.

Seniors who have received scholarships usually turn in paper copies or email me “proof” of college and outside organization offers. Some have, but I don’t have as many as usual. So, if your child has received scholarship offers, please send the information to me at

Address questions to or cal Marcia Brown at 409.886.5821, extension 1152.