Talking About Parenting: Routines, schedules return with the start of school
Published 3:14 pm Wednesday, August 8, 2018
By Chris Kovatch
I am not going to lie, we are counting down the days until school starts.
I also must admit that OFISD is high on my ‘things I am grateful for’ list since school is starting earlier this year. I love my kids. I promise I do. It’s just when summer hits, any sort of routine we have is quickly abandoned.
I am a huge fan of routines and schedules. The majority of my children are much easier to parent when we adhere to a schedule. This school year, however, has thrown us a few curve balls.
My oldest, Jackson, enters high school and the world of marching band practices. This takes one of my built in babysitters out of the mix for at least the duration of football season.
Normally, Rosie is normally my back up babysitter. She is taken out of the equation too as she begins to help in dance classes this year at the studio.
I also have to factor in three football practices a week for Stryker, one or two soccer practices for Thayer, getting summer to and from dance, and general all around care of our foster son.
Needless to say this is where my love of schedules enters the picture.
In past years, Christi has kept a large marker board mounted on the wall with a monthly snap shot of what’s to come. This year, however, she has opted to move to something a bit more high tech. An app by the name of Picniic has entered our lives. Each of the iPhone users in our house has a profile and is responsible for adding items to the family calendar. It also allows the family to maintain a shopping list, to do lists, store important info, plan meals, and much more. It’s like a daily planner of the past married the internet and had a genius baby.
Obviously, it is only as useful as the information that is being input into it, but at least the opportunity for streamlining is present.
As the promise of meals at a set time, bedtimes that are adhered to, and quiet time for me inches closer and closer, I must admit my attitude improves almost on a minute by minute scale.
Technology can be a challenge for families, but it can also be one of its greatest tools. That being said, I still looking forward to the day Jackson can drive. Only 411 days left to go, but who’s counting?