Beauchamp announces for Commissioner Pct. 2 seat

Published 11:50 am Wednesday, December 6, 2017



By Theresa Adams Beauchamp


I am Theresa Adams Beauchamp. I am running for Commissioner of Pct. 2 to bring a positive

Change of leadership to get Orange County moving in the right direction.

As your Commissioner I will make my decisions based on integrity, experience, honesty, fairness

and transparency. I will think for myself and treat each issue and person with compassion and dignity.
I will listen to people and study each situation to resolve the issues which confront all people. I have been

retired for six years and will be working FULL TIME from day one. We must elect new leadership for a

better future for Orange County.

I am a Fourth Generation resident of Orange County. I graduated from Stark High School. I continued my education at Baylor University and received my Masters of Administration from Stephen F. Austin. I was a school administrator for 20 years. I served on the Orange City Council for five consecutive terms. While on the

Council I served on the Economic Development Committee. I am a graduate of Leadership Southeast Texas, selected as an Athena Woman, Altrusa Woman of the Year, Honoree of the Orange Depot Gala and as the first woman from Orange County to be selected as a Pioneering Woman of Southeast Texas. I have been active in our community by serving as past president of the Ivy League Garden Club, Antique Study Group, member of Delta Kappa Gamma an honorary teachers society and a sustaining member of Beaumont Junior League. I am an active member of First Methodist Church. I serve as a Lay Reader, on the finance committee, Staff-Parish Relations and presently serving on the Church Council. While serving on the City Council and as a school administrator I worked diligently on budgets, personnel, bargaining agreements, building/equipment maintenance and dealt fairly with both the city and school employees.

Orange County needs CHANGE in both leadership and direction to make our county strong again.

CHANGE – No new taxes! As your commissioner your tax dollars will be spent wisely. We must learn to budget smarter to meet the county’s needs. I will protect the tax payers money and spend only to better serve the county by making carefully studied financially sound decisions.

CHANGE – I believe we can get a hospital by reaching out to private investors and working hard by reaching outside the box for alternative solutions. The county would offer tax abatements, positive incentives and be willing to work with investors. Judge Carlton said on Thursday night at a public meeting that Beaumont Baptist

had offered to keep the hospital open if the county would contribute 4 million dollars. The court turned this offer down in favor of Orange County having a hospital district. The startup for this will be 29 million which will be attained by raising ALL county taxpayers 18/100 on their taxes.

CHANGE – I am against “The Loop” at Orange County tax payer’s expense which will benefit Jefferson County. We do not need this!

CHANGE – We must focus on economic development by reaching out to businesses and networking to find new innovative industry by offering incentives such as tax abatements to entice them to stay or locate in Orange County. This would provide jobs and boost our economy. We have phenomenal resources—-Interstate 10 connecting Louisiana to Houston, the Sabine River, the Port of Orange, the Piney Woods, Sabine Lake and great people. If the economy grows everyone will be better served.

CHANGE – The court must be more transparent.

This can be obtained by

  1. Open discussion of agenda items.
  2. Consistent times (day, time and place) to hold the weekly commissioner court meetings.
  3. Have meetings videoed and aired on the local community television station.

CHANGE – The court must be proactive NOT reactive! We must have an efficient Emergency Plan. All

Plans should be shared with ALL county employees and citizens of Orange County. These plans should

be in place and reviewed before a catastrophic situation/event occurs. The court should have been providing

information to the citizens before the situation became critical. Temporary buildings/shelters should be planned before a disaster occurs. This is when the citizens need help and every county employee would be able to work in a safe environment because all of their jobs are important.


CHANGE – The court needs to support our county employees and be Pro-law enforcement. All employees

must be treated fairly and equally so they can perform their duties in a positive, safe and congenial atmosphere.

CHANGE – Provide Orange County taxpayers with safe and clean places for recreation, family reunions, birthday parties and schools to use as an outdoor classroom. Claiborne Park has declined in the last 2 years. For many years it was named as an exemplary park and was on the list of the 20 Hidden Gems in Texas. We need to preserve and beautify our County Courthouse. It is our county building and must be maintained for its historical value and displayed with pride.

With your support and vote we can CHANGE the direction the County is moving to make Orange County Strong Again.

If you have any questions I am available to talk to you. I can be reached by phone 409-882-9004.


Theresa Adams Beauchamp