Dedication of the Eternal Flame at “Fields of Freedom”
Published 12:14 pm Saturday, May 28, 2016
Special to The Leader
The Vidor Lions Club has scheduled a Memorial Day candlelight vigil Monday, May 30th at the Vidor Lions Club Veteran’s Park at 8:00 p.m. Also, the BSA Troop 220 will have the dedication of the Eternal Flame at “Fields of Freedom”. This is an Eagle Scout project by Travis LeBlanc. I have attached his announcement to give you more information. You can also contact one of his scout leaders Lisa Aery at (409) 893-0011 if you want more details. The public is invited to refreshments at 7:00 p.m. prior to the program.
The Vidor Lions Club is currently accepting new names to be etched on the military walls at the Veteran’s Park. There is a deadline set of July 15, 2016 on receiving names. The cost is 100.00 per name. Verification of honorable discharge required (i.e. form DD214). Please contact me if you have any questions.