Traffic Alerts 11.20.15

Published 3:36 pm Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20, 2015

BEAUMONT– Expect alternating lane closures along US 69 southbound from Dowlen-Delaware Sunday and Monday night, Nov. 22 & 23, 8pm-5:30am for the installation of overhead signs. The new 11th Street entrance ramp from the US 69 southbound frontage road will also be opened.


ORANGE– The inside westbound lane of IH 10 from the Little Cypress Bayou Bridge to the Sabine River Bridge will be closedSunday and Monday night, Nov. 22 & 23, 7pm-6am, to work on concrete traffic barrier.


LIBERTY– SH 146  just north of US-90 at the railroad crossing will be closed Sunday, Nov. 22, 7am-6pm. The railroad will be upgrading rails. All traffic will be detoured to LP 227 (Main Street) in both directions.



***Lane closures are weather permitting